Today we’d like to introduce you to Calloway Ritch.
Hi Calloway, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I’m originally from Toledo, Ohio. I’ve been playing in bands since high school. Through the mid 2000’s, I toured all over the south east of the country, while living in Wilmington, North Carolina. I played in a variety of different bands out there, until I moved to Austin in 2012. My first years in Austin, I started to perform on dirty 6th street while working on my fronting my own bands for the first time. Around 2021, I started Calloway and The Prickly Pears, and started to release my own music. I also co write and play guitar with my partner Ruby Dice. We’ve been playing music together since 2015.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Playing music as a profession has its bumps in the road. I spent years on 6th street playing multiple shows a day/week, while also working side jobs, often working for just tips. While there are many struggles, it certainly conditioned me to be resilient, and made my live show that much better. There were countless lessons learned on that street, and I’m better for them.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m a singer/songwriter as well as a side musician here in Austin, TX. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to play music in this town for the past 13 years. I’m grateful to be able to pursue this dream, especially as the city changes from year to year.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Perhaps my stubbornness is a quality that has led me to continue to pursue music as a way of making a living. You’re faced with so many challenges, almost daily. I however don’t have many other skills, so I keep just pushing forward. Trying to improve as best as I can.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @callowayandthepricklypears
- Facebook: Calloway Ritch
- Youtube: Calloway and The Prickly Pears
Image Credits
Christopher De La Rosa Rachel Boetcher Amanda Darnell William Boswell