Today we’d like to introduce you to Brian Verrett.
Hi Brian, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I’m from Slidell, Louisiana and I’m Cosplayer/Content Creator.
My beginnings are pretty normal. I originally started my career as a co-host on youtube for a channel called pro wrestling and you with my friend William, we would just talk about pro wrestling for 15 minutes to an hour sometimes covering WWE. TNA. Ring Of Honor etc. if it was on TV or the internet, we talked about it and then he found out he was going to be a father so we agreed to put the channel on a hiatus so he could focus on becoming a father so that left me with wondering what was next and around April 2015 that’s when Geeksquire was born I gathered some friends told them my idea for the channel and they we’re down so we got to together and filmed our first video since then we’ve gone through a bunch or changes to our roster but the goal remains the same to have fun and make awesome content.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Starting a you tube channel from the ground up is easy…making the content people will like that’s the challenge, when I started I wanted to be a mix of Rooster teeth and a slew of other channels which is very difficult due the fact I was working 3 to 4 jobs just to maintain a roof over my head but I tried anyways I would do cosplay reviews whenever I could afford it, I’ll do videos with friends where we discuss Tv shows like Doctor Who and The Flash, I started doing streams on twitch so people could come and chill and hangout with me and chat, I lost countless hours of sleep due to editing videos and building cosplays but in my mind it was worth it to see others smile and enjoy my content even today I still struggle and have so much to learn but to see that one person who watched one of my videos or have met me at a convention and say “Hey I saw one of your videos and it’s the reason why I’m here” no matter how much stress I’m under that’s what keeps me going that’s what keeps me making videos.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Geeksquire is a lot of different things we started as a podcast where we would talk about Geek/Nerd Culture then moved into making convention music videos from there, we moved into a content creating company on YouTube, TikTok and Twitch, YouTube is where we started back in April 2015 with our first video a review of The Avengers Age of Ultron since then we’ve done adventures in Louisiana to Wizard World New Orleans and our Superbowl when it came to Anime Conventions Mechacon where we would meet some of the biggest names in cosplay and entertainment. TikTok is where you find more of our Short Form Content it’s mostly me doing Skits or Hyping other content creators up who deserve recognition it’s also where a lot people know me as “The Guy” a superpowered Adoption Anti Hero which wasn’t even my creation it was a creation from the amazingly talented The Panda Redd who used the name in a lot of his skits and I thought it would funny if the name had a face so I got in front the camera threw on some shades and almost 100 videos I’m known as The Guy who handles batman’s adoptions of kids among other things. Twitch is where you can find me playing games and really just chilling sometimes I talk about motorsports if I’m playing a racing game other times, we chat about pro wrestling if we’re playing something like WWE 2k22 or we talk about sci-fi and comic book movies if I’m playing Spider-Man or Mass Effect whatever it is we’re talking I just to make we’re all having fun and are being our most authentic selves.
What matters most to you?
Making sure people see you can be Nerd no matter what age, race, gender, or sexual preference that you can be passionate about it and people be passionate about with you, Growing up In Southeast Louisiana I really didn’t fit in as a black kid who loved nascar and skateboarding and watched pro wrestling and anime who would play pop punk and metal mixes on his cd player I got bulled a lot and it was basically hell most days going to school and there were a lot of dark days feeling like I’m alone like I was a freak and sure I had a few good friends that help me through but somedays that wasn’t enough but my mom who’s always been my biggest support knew I was going to succeed in whatever I did and she made sure I knew to always be myself to always be me no matter what her and my grandmother instilled that into me and in weird way I’m trying to instilled that into others who are like me the weirdos the freaks the geeks the outcasts if I can make content that makes someone smile someone laugh someone see that there not alone that there’s others like them in the world then I’ve done my job.
Contact Info:
- Email: Geeksquirenola@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geeksquire
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Geeksquire_NOLA?t=11PjLu1-B6zX1QiXC0M82A&s=09
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwbrcoKhKLELqRP0a8d5xCw
- Other: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdanjt4A/
Image Credits
Amanda and Dan Krause