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Meet Amber Valdez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amber Valdez. Them and their team share their story with us below:

Amber Valdez is a former TV host, Reality Star and NFL cheerleader turned Spiritual Awakening Guide, Life Purpose Activator and the industry’s leading coach for Lightworkers, Healers, Mystics, Spiritual Coaches and Metaphysical entrepreneurs. Amber is on a mission to lead 1 million+ Lightworkers to unlock their voice & activate their soul assignment TM (Life Purpose) so that they can be paid abundantly for their gifts and co-create Heaven On Earth.

In 2016, her book “Stickie Affirmations to Live your Purpose” was a #1 best seller on Amazon and she was named one of the Top 60 Spiritual Instagram Influencers most followed in 2021.

Raised on food stamps and free lunches by a single mother and an addicted father, Amber grew up in an abusive home. With no college degree, she is the proof it is possible to break free of the scarcity of programming in one family’s lineage into a thriving seven-figure business mentor and spiritual awakening guide.

Amber shows thousands of people how to come out of the spiritual closet and pivot from a soul-sucking matrix 9-5 job into living their true soul purpose.

She is the creatrix of many retreats including; the Lightworker Activation Workshop- Australia, Mountain Medicine Retreat- Mt. Shasta, Lightworker Immersion Retreat Australia. Her online offerings have included the Lightworker Academy membership community, her signature “Turn ‘You’re Crazy’ Into Your Purpose” virtual program with 1,500 worldwide graduates, the “Let Your Light Shine Live” live video boot camp that has served over 600 students to date, and the Lightworker Initiation 12 week course & the Lightworker Business Mastermind that helps hundreds of aspiring and current entrepreneurs to scale their spiritual businesses to 6 figures.

Her programs teach individuals how to: unlock and activate their hidden spiritual gifts, quit their jobs and work for themselves, connect to the divine, maintain sovereignty in their life, business, body, and relationships, how to love themselves, put themselves first, heal their past, manifest their greatest desires, upgrade out of scarcity and into abundance, meditate, forgive, master spiritual practices, get clarity on their life’s purpose, do shadow work, activate their authentic voice and throat chakra so that they can build organic, successful businesses, shine authentically and how to easily reach the future clients that need only the gifts they have.

Amber’s life’s mission is to remind every being that they matter, they are worthy and their purpose matters. She is here to pay forward all the steps, tools, awareness, lessons and spiritual practices she’s learned on the path to love herself, own her worth, get clarity on her soul assignment, create the life of her dreams and be paid abundantly for being the wind beneath others’ wings.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Overcoming physical, mental, verbal, emotional abuse in my childhood being raised by a mentally ill mother. A father who was not present and struggled with addiction most of his life, to being bullied in school (yes even as a cheerleader), treated unfairly in the NFL, to being bullied again on national television by castmates on the set of the reality show “Beverly Hills Nannies” that I was on, and then getting passed my suicide plan after I walked off the set of my 5th call back at E-news, when I realized I didn’t want to be on TV anymore… because my dream was dead, my dad was dead my only real cheerleader, my relationship with my ex-boyfriend who was a sex addict was dead and didn’t feel I had any reason to live anymore. I am also a two-time survivor of physical abuse and a lifetime of codependent and narcissistic relationships.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
I believe a lot of this was answered in the previous sections AND… what sets me apart from other life purpose coaches, biz mentors or spiritual awakening guides is that I am an intuitive first and therefore I can see clearly my client’s potential, possibilities, gifts and offerings or road map long before they can. I also possess an innate ability to see right into their own bs, blind spots, wounding or blocks that they cant see and cut right to the source so they can move past it, heal and thrive!

Because I wake up every day with my soul on fire and take my soul’s assignment very seriously and proudly own the title of a lightworker here to raise the consciousness and support in the great awakening of a million souls so that we can free the collective from the matrix program and create heaven on earth, (no biggie I know lol) I’ve been known to bring the fierce kali mama bear fire NO BS approach needed for a client to get real honest with themselves and channel the right message required to light a fire under the ass of my students, shift them out of their victim narrative and not waste time by just giving it to them straight so they an actually get what it is they say they want,

My students deeply appreciate this type of coaching because they are overachievers who don’t want to waste any more precious moments of their lives 🙂 And know from the start they can count on me to never to candy coat, blow smoke, let them sell out nor sabotage themselves. I will never just tell a client what they want to hear nor allow them to spiritually bypass.

There are plenty of the “only love and light” and toxic positivity coaches in this industry… I am not that. I believe you cannot change your life if you live in a world you are unwilling to actually see. The only way through is through and with my coaching foundations rooted deep in emotional intelligence training, mindset and leadership, the spiritual guidance is just the icing on top. I have one foot grounded firmly in the 3d matrix earth plane and the other in the 5d spiritual plane, which makes me very relatable to all.

By keeping my language and teachings digestible and the spiritual elitism jargon at bay, I can easily meet any person from the spiritually curious to spiritual infant to someone whose been on the lightworker path or awakening journey for a while, regardless where they are at and stay relatable.

I am 43 but most people think because of my down to earth playful energetic persona, I’m in my late 20s to early thirties which is prob why I attract students and clients and mystics who range from being in college, to corporate, to stay at home or single moms to doctors, artists and nurses alike from ages 17-75. I also teach my students to not take self-development so damn serious. Yes, we are here to put the work back into lightworker but who says we can’t have a ton of fun too which actually ends up getting them results much faster. So working with me gets you an intuitive channel, psychic medium, life coach, biz mentor and spiritual guide all in one!

I focus first on getting my clients into vibrational alignment with themselves and creating a strong relationship with a higher self/source/god/divine/spirit so that they can actually hear the whispers of their soul versus the yells of their ego and the darkness. This is 100% of the time what is holding them back in all areas of their life. Once they know how to tap directly into the cosmic google for their answers they can then actually receive the divine guidance that is required to take guided action and everything in their life, work, family, happiness, relationships and finances up levels!. We then move into how to be in the mastery of our mental, emotional, spiritual, physical and energetic sovereignty so that we have the capacity to create real change, pivot into what’s next, manifest what we desire or make money from the place of knowing being rooted in who we really who we are and divinely guided action.

If you are a person who doesn’t know your purpose on this planet. first off… how much longer are you going to avoid finding out and secondly. there is no better person to help guide you on the path and proven road map to learn who you are, love yourself, fully own your worth in ALL auras of your life, learn how to be sovereign and get the clarity so that you can figure it out. I am most proud of creating safe sacred spaces for people of all ages, races, genders to gather and be welcomed home. In my programs, no one will ever call you “crazy” or thinks they have “arrived”. My programs are the bridge between heaven and earth, a place for you to be initiated into who you truly are and why you came, unlock your dormant gifts and prepare you for what’s next, claim your abundance get paid for your gifts and unique soul blueprint so that you can do your part and to change this world!

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
That I get to wake up every day and get paid abundantly to light thousands of souls on fire and show others how to do the same! Also, playing my drum, singing, channeling ancestors, alive and well, matcha. My dog romeo, my man, popcorn, playing with my godson Kingston, traveling, sunflowers, kimonos, barton springs, uchi, trees, big huge trees, the mountains, my team, my tribe, my healers and mentors, prayer, being in ceremony, retreats, seeing my student win in life, heal and manifest their desires and breakthrough scarcity programming, chosen framily, my clients and students and that I get to be in humble service to the light every day!

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Kristina Bakrevski

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