Today we’d like to introduce you to Alyssa Olvera.
Hi, Alyssa; please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My journey began in my hometown, one of the poorest cities in America, where opportunities for artistic growth were scarce. The revelation that one could make a living through creativity struck me only in my senior year of high school. Fueled by a desire to explore my creative instincts, I initiated a project—a magazine named “A LA MODA.” This venture involved interviewing and photographing 50 individuals from my hometown, marking the inception of my creative journey. As I delved into the process of connecting with others and crafting layouts, I discovered a profound love for both collaboration and creation. As college began, I set out to create a second magazine independently. However, the onset of the pandemic forced me back to my roots, returning to a trailer park alongside my parents. Driven by the itch to create, I launched an Instagram page during the pandemic, inviting people to submit their work for my first collaborative magazine. What started as a personal project transformed into a global collaborative magazine, showcasing the diverse creative outputs of individuals across the globe. It was in that very trailer park that the first collaborative zine was born, and from there, our journey unfolded. From digital release parties to sold-out in-person art show celebrations, we evolved into a space where creatives connect, collaborate, and grow. Our platform has become a testament to the power of collaboration, transforming an individual pursuit into a thriving community of artists celebrating creativity in all its forms.
It wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I prefer to frame the journey as filled with challenges rather than struggles, and one significant challenge for me was the need to carve out a space to be creative. However, I see beauty in the potential of nothing. With a clean slate, anything is possible. Creating a space for myself posed its difficulties but offered an opportunity for innovation and resilience. Balancing the responsibilities of being a full-time student with internships and leadership positions at multiple campus organizations while managing an entire magazine was challenging. Still, despite the demanding nature of these commitments, it never felt like a struggle to me.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a documentary and fashion photographer passionate about human connection and creation. My desire to witness the thriving success of others sets me apart, and my magazine, A La Moda, stands as a profound testimony to that. It remains the accomplishment I am most proud of. At my core, I am a multifaceted professional – a multimedia journalist, visual artist, editor, and community builder. My passion lies in fostering creative connections and aiding others in reaching their highest potential.
What matters most to you?
At the core of my being, I am driven by a passion for creative connection and helping others reach their highest potential. This commitment to community building and supporting the artistic endeavors of individuals has become a guiding principle in my personal and professional journey. Having been in situations where personal growth was challenging, I find great purpose in supporting others. Why would I not help someone by providing them with a stepping stool for growth? It’s a deeply rooted belief in empathy and understanding the transformative impact of support on the journey to success.
Contact Info:
- Website: and
- Instagram: PNGISSELLE or ALAMODAZINE or HAPPALY (personal)
Image Credits
Portrait: Moises Zanabria