Today we’d like to introduce you to Mei Lai.
Hi Mei, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
It all started when I realized that an office job didn’t work for me. I needed something more fulfilling where I could dig my hands in and make it my own. Ever since I was young, I have loved creating things. It leads me to a world of self-taught graphic design and web design, hatching the dream of running an independent online shop. My love of all things vintage and kitsch formed the bare skeleton of my first shop, but I finally decided to introduce Vintage Loser a few years later. I had sat on the idea for months before I decided to quit my full-time job for something unstable, but I dived anyways. It took a few years of dedication and hard work, but I would never have imagined a few humble pieces of vintage clothes would lead me so far. I’m an experimental artist who offers 90’s vintage nostalgia through resin art, handmade rugs, jewelry, and other unique pieces. I’m very grateful for all of the support given to my tiny one-woman shop and look forward to creating something new every day.
We all face challenges, but would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Like any other artist, they will tell you that it has not been a smooth road. If you choose the creative path, you must pave your way because no one road fits you. Making ends meet is tough at times. When the pandemic started, all of the events I regularly vented at (comic cons, anime conventions, arts and crafts fairs) were no longer running. My online sales also dropped because people were not looking to buy art during uncertainty. After not working for anyone else for almost a decade, I decided to start a full-time job again. Adapting to a 9 to 5 again was rough. Luckily, through this job, I can pursue another passion by working at one of the best plant-carnivorous nurseries in the world. I’ve also experienced issues with the mediums I work with. Many people don’t realize that mixing resin creates toxic fumes. These fumes absorb in your skin, eyes, and lungs. Over time with exposure, you can become more sensitive to it. I wore all the proper protective equipment, like an organic vapor mask, goggles, and gloves, but the exposure eventually triggered contact dermatitis all over my body. It was the worst burning sensation all over my skin 24/7, for almost 3 months. When I could afford to see a doctor, the rashes disappeared. I’ve since decided to give up mixing resin due to health risks and its impact on the environment. It was my favorite medium, but I’m ready to explore others.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I like to dabble in a variety of visual arts. I’m mostly known for my resin art, however. I loved creating videos of the ink dancing in my resin coasters, demolding fully cured pieces, and showing off their depth in the light. I’m especially proud of my resin pieces, including taxidermy with ethically sourced animals/animal parts. They were my favorite because they were so intricate – carefully planned and designed, mindfully sourced, and finally executed with precision. Each piece took about a month since it involved many pieces and layers. Using animals felt like I could breathe new life into death. I’m also known for my silly webcomics, which have been described as “wholesome, funny, and heartbreaking.” They’re like my journal thoughts projected into simple four-panel images. Aside from these, I’m also familiar with tufting rugs, charcoal drawing, digital arts, photography, and much more. I love learning new arts and crafts and grow excited at pursuing another medium to add to my list.
Networking and finding a mentor can positively impact one’s life and career. Any advice?
Let’s see what you’re attracted to and follow it. Like-minded people are naturally attracted to each other, and your path will appear as you go. The people you meet and the experiences you have will be holistically curated because of the choices you made with the passions you chose. If you need help, try something new, like a community college class, or teach yourself a skill through an online tutorial. You may find that you love it, which will draw you to your next step.
Contact Info:
- Website: meilai.design
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meimuxo/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vintageloser
- Other: vintageloser.com