Today we’d like to introduce you to Sara Houser.
Hi Sara, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’ve been in love with music since I was a kid. Even before I could play anything, I listened to the radio and my parents’ CDs all of the time. I started taking piano lessons when I was 11 and just kind of ran with the feeling I got from it for most of my life. I practiced so much my Dad had to establish a window of time where I wasn’t allowed to play (Nightly News). I ended up continuing to study music in college (Berklee College of Music) and when it came time for me to enter the adult world I picked Austin as my new home. I started really small here, booking shows for my band and trying to meet other musicians. I waited tables and bartended for money.
Eventually, I started playing for other bands and getting a lot of session work as a vocalist and piano player. One of my first sessions was recording background vocals on Spoon’s record Hot Thoughts – which I still geek out about to this day. I’ve been lucky enough to tour internationally and record with some of my favorite songwriters around town. My more recent passion in the last 6 years has been teaching. It’s not something I ever thought I’d fall into but it’s something I really enjoy doing. It has also made me a sharper musician. That’s more or less where I am today. I love making records and am grateful for any time in a studio. I’m making a solo record for the first time in my life right now and am really proud of the songs.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
I don’t know a single creative on this planet that has had a smooth road. The toughest times make for the best art. I don’t think I would be writing the songs I am today had I not had made some mistakes, been hurt, been lower than low. The struggles are vast and personal but to sum it up, being a female musician your whole life was living in a constant state of seeking approval. It is something that I’m very happy to be free of at this point in my life. The rollercoaster of self-doubt and self-approval as an artist is exhausting. It’s a ride we’re all on but you’re not really prepared for it as a teenager or even young adult.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others? What are you proud of?
I would consider myself a songwriter first, piano player second, and vocalist third. As a pianist, I’m proud of my versatility as a player. In general, I’m proud to be a well-rounded musician. I feel the most confident about myself in the studio. I have never felt 100% comfortable in live settings. I’m not really sure that anything sets me apart from anybody else. Everyone has something to offer as far as I’m concerned.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
If it’s one thing I’ve learned in the last ten years it’s that planning any kind of trajectory as an artist, at least for me, is a sure fire way to break your own heart. I started redefining what success meant to me a few years ago. I have goals I’d like to achieve and more experiences I’d like to have. That list is mostly compromised of things I can control and opportunities I know I can create for myself. I plan on writing, playing and releasing music until I’m dead and if at some point in my life I’m able to pay my bills doing so I will be super stoked. 🙂
Contact Info:
- Website: www.lowinband.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/shouserrr
- Twitter: twitter.com/shouserrr
Image Credits
Kate Blaising Helaine Bach Sophia Lawson