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Check Out TracyAnn McCurry’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to TracyAnn McCurry.

Hi TracyAnn, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started drawing houses and floorplans, interiors and exteriors with landscaping and then went through the Sears and JCPenny catalogs and filled every room, closet, outside sheds, garage and pets areas with items I found in the catalogs. I then tallied up the cost for all building materials and everything to then “present” my created spaces to my dolls as their new home pretending to find them forever homes. I have always wanted to work with children in trauma. As a survivor of much, I hoped to share HOPE.

Fast forward to what I’m currently doing is traveling Texas with projects I created after I lost my only son Kevin Frankie Frazier last October to suicide. Having already lost both my parents to this dreaded disease and violence in some cases, I use my pain for purpose. I paint, draw take photos, create graphics and merch. I work with churches, schools, organizations, and my new little for-profit outreach #CoffeeWithKevin. I meet up with Law enforcement, first responders and share hope after on the job trauma. Recently I trained with the LOSS TEAM for Survivors Of Suicide with Dr. Frank R. Campbell. My business TcMacDesigns was proud to support the endeavor of the Shine A Light Event in San Angelo, Texas. I’m hoping to stop suicide, stop the stigma and help others choose to STAY! I’ve survived two attempts, helped other family and friends STAY, yet there’s those who still choose to leave. Art has saved my life. I believe my heart, compassion and art come from my faith and my Creator.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Struggles along the way include losing five babies, cancer, incarceration for a crime I am still seeking exoneration, traumatic events, the economy and especially covid as much that I do is e-commerce and mail order, and commissions. It’s been difficult losing loved ones to suicide and the recovery and grief come in waves so it can be seen in my work or lack of production. I create from a place if pain.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m most known as a name artist, whimsical flowers, cutesy, bright a “childish” appearance. Letters created from the little lines my son used to write a couple of letters to me in prison. My patterns are calico and prints from memories of fabric shopping with my grandmother and mother. I call them “pajama prints”. Cozy joy feeling I always wanted as a child and to provide for my child.

Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Don’t judge a book by its cover or background every time. What’s on paper can change in the blink of an eye. Life changes take patience and faith. Hope comes from a need. Hope is often delivered through someone with a greater need than the one they think they need to receive Hope from!

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Image Credits
TracyAnn McCurry

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