Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Lynn Chang.
Hi Dr. Lynn, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
The first time I took a career test it told me I should be a psychologist, I laughed because I didn’t know what that was (I was 10). The second time I took a career test, it told me I should be a nun. I laughed because I was agnostic (I was 30). Well, the joke’s on me because I’m now a psychologist who teaches spirituality! Through yoga, I discovered the divine light that connects us all and now I use yoga to teach people their life’s work and purpose!
I love my job so much — it’s fun, uplifting, and rewarding. And that’s my wish for everyone! When I look back on my path, I’m amazed by where I am today but also so grateful to have listened to my heart and stayed open to possibilities. Have you ever Googled what success looks like? If you look at those two arrows, you’ll understand why most of us actually find happiness through the most surprising twists and turns. You have to let go of preconceived notions of what will make you happy. Be honest with your heart today and follow your intuition. Even if it doesn’t make sense now, it will reveal itself as wisdom later.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
As an adult, I’ve had a pretty smooth road thanks to a zen mindset. When things get challenging in work or life, it’s helpful to take a step back to reflect on objectively what’s happening and why and what your next move must be. Sometimes this means riding the wave, sometimes it means taking a leap of faith. Staying grounded and listening to your intuition means you can navigate difficult times more easily and then feel grateful for the lessons learned along the way. Whatever happens, know that it’s for your highest good.
As a child, I was often insecure, worried, and stressed. When I learned that this Type C personality trait can lead to physical disease, I taught myself to stay hopeful and positive with mindfulness techniques. I’m also a recovering perfectionist, so learning to let go of control is an ongoing lesson but worth it. Life has flowed a lot easier for me and this is what I teach others.
I wrote my wellness book, The 10 Day Career Cleanse, when things were getting very challenging in a former job. I took all the lessons I had learned from positive psychology, yoga, and meditation and applied it to the office. It was like magic. I felt so much better each day and didn’t feel like I was living for the weekend! Courage, peace, joy, confidence, clarity… everything I needed fell into place when I tapped into my inner zen. My clients tell me reading this book immediately helps them stay positive during difficult times and better things come their way as a result!
We’ve been impressed with Career Zen, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Career Zen uses an East Meets West approach to career guidance and life fulfillment. This means blending a spiritual practice of yoga and meditation to deepen your connection to self, along with validated career assessments and hands-on activities to confirm your ideal career options. Figuring out what you really want to do and how to even start can feel daunting. I love teaching people how to holistically navigate their careers with ease and flow. What if you already had all the answers within you? I’m here to encourage you to trust yourself!
Rather than focusing first on job titles and resumes, we start by getting grounded and releasing the doubts and fears. Using wellness techniques, you can quiet the chatterbox mind and tune into your heart. What do you truly love? What makes you come alive? In the words of Marie Kondo, “What sparks joy?” But what if your joy isn’t highly lucrative? That’s ok because we can design a career that balances the passion with the practical. There are countless ways to create a career that fits your unique needs.
Career Zen helps you answer not only what you want to do but also where you want to make an impact, who you want to work with, and why you want to wake up each day. Once you know your place in this world, you understand that you’ll always be needed and you’ll always have meaningful work.
Later we delve into networking, transferable skills, resumes, LinkedIn, and interviews. But can you see how doing the soul searching first brings about a clarity and direction to job search? Sometimes looking for a job can feel tiring and frustrating, but that could be a reflection of an unclear goal. It’s important to know what you’re looking for so that you’ll know it when you see it!
Once you realize that the answers you seek can’t be found online, that’s when to soul search. It can be an incredibly fun, enriching, and eye-opening experience! What if work could feel like play? What if you got paid for using your natural talents? What if just by being yourself, you’re making a difference? This is the journey. Rarely is it an intellectual process and we’re often too much in our heads. Instead, it’s more about exploring the world and feeling your way to an ideal “work home.”
Because I’ve worked with thousands of clients over 20 years, I’m quick to understand my clients’ needs and get them to where they want to be. Career Zen consultations are strategic and efficient and work best with those who are truly motivated to make a change and find meaningful work. Are you into woo woo and wellness and want to make the world a better place? We should talk!
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Taking a risk is like taking the universe up on its offer. What have you been longing for? What’s on your vision board? If it shows up, act on it! My teacher once said, “The universe will respond to you 100% of the time but you have to be respond to the universe 100% of the time.” It’s absolutely a reciprocal relationship.
Throughout my life, I’ve made decisions that felt right to me, regardless of what others said or what logic dictated. I’ve prioritized my happiness and won’t let anyone get in the way. My feelings and intuition have led me on this incredibly satisfying journey! I chose an academic discipline that wasn’t common for my Chinese culture, but I loved it and it made me feel alive. I chose a doctoral program because the community felt good to my heart, even though it wasn’t as highly ranked as other programs. I chose a profession because it made my soul sing, despite mentors telling me I could have done more with my degree. And I started my business because it was even more joyful to help my peers, even though I cherished the university students.
Each step of the way, I’ve made decisions that aligned with my true happiness. I’m so grateful for my path and it’s exactly what I teach others. When you understand that the universe has your back no matter what, you can enter into these decision points with zero fear. It’s incredibly freeing to be who you want to be and go where you want to go. The world is always evolving and changing, so stay open and curious. Taking a risk is stepping into who you’ve always meant to be.
- E-courses range from 0-$50
- Individual work starts at $250
- Group class by donation, pay what you can, pay it forward
Contact Info:
- Email: drlynn@mycareerzen.com
- Website: career-zen.com
- Instagram: instagram.com/careerzen
- Facebook: facebook.com/mycareerzen
- Youtube: youtube.com/c/careerzen
- Yelp: yelp.com/biz/career-zen-austin
- Amazon Book: amazon.com/10-Day-Career-Cleanse-Find/dp/1610430379
- E-courses: zenuniversity.thinkific.com
Image Credits
B&L Creative (headshot- black dress) Manny Pandya (group photo) Monica Paredes (headshot- white shirt)