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Meet Emily Fenves

Today we’d like to introduce you to Emily Fenves.

Hi Emily, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My professional background is in medical social work. I have a strong passion to help people. Over the last year, I became a mom of two, I found it difficult to continue to work full time while also meeting the needs of my family. The idea for lander line was born from my passion to help people and my life-long creative outlet in fashion. I have a strong support system of family and friends who have been incredibly encouraging over the past few months as lander line has quickly came to fruition.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I think there will always be a learning curve when you start something new. But the best part of this journey is that I am learning SO MUCH! While the everyday consumer may not know about sustainable practices in fashion or even what that means, there is a lot of information out there, and my job is to find the best way to deliver that information to my audience. One of my main goals in developing lander line is getting people excited about the future of fashion (which in my opinion, is in ethics, sustainability, and social responsibility). I have started gaining a following and continue to focus on building a community (which can be difficult). Social media now is a lot different than even a year ago–there are changing algorithms, changing user activity, and saturation in the blogging space. However, I learned that consistency is key and have made time in my everyday life to engage with my audience, and as a result, have continued to grow.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I created lander line as a space for women to learn how to consume less and consume better. As consumers, we are inundated on a daily basis with information encouraging us to buy. Oftentimes (and I am guilty of this, too), we buy something for absolutely no reason. I want us all to think about what we are consuming, where it was made, how the people who made it are treated, and the materials that are in our products. I truly believe that the less stuff we have and the better quality stuff we purchase, the happier we will be. Lander line focuses on sustainability in the fashion world. Who are the brands that are transparent about their practices? Why is it important to support local businesses in our community? Why does it matter that the manufacturers that make our clothes are treated and paid fairly? Why is this all important for us personally and globally? These are the questions that lander line will answer while also bringing in creativity and style inspiration.

I am most proud of my consistency and energy that I have put into lander line. I continue to wake up everyday excited to learn more and share that knowledge with my audience.

Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
The lander line blog will be published in January 2021, and I cannot wait for ya’ll to read it!

Contact Info:

Image Credits:

Chandler Maloney Lindsay Taunton

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1 Comment

  1. Dandy

    January 4, 2022 at 6:44 pm

    Excited about Ms Fenves’s goals!! Keep it going- we all need to learn more about healthy consumerism.

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