Today we’d like to introduce you to Brejamin Perkins
Hi Brejamin, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Truthfully, this made me giggle a little because “briefly” and my journey do not coincide. But I will try and welcome your edits of course (comms people get it).
Like many, I am an Austin transplant. I always knew I’d end up moving back to the South, as it is where I was born and raised. There’s truly no other place I’d rather plant roots. But I still consider myself extremely fortunate to have experienced and lived in some of our country’s most vibrant cities!
I’m originally from Central Arkansas and graduated from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, where I studied Broadcast Journalism and Communications. From an early age, I’ve had the gift of gab, as many like to call it, both to my benefit and to my detriment at times. Today, however, I am on the journey of discovering new and refined ways to utilize this gift!
My move to Austin coincided with another significant milestone in my life, a career pivot and transition in my 30s. Crazy, right? The reality of this transition initially made my experience of “courting” Austin much more interesting to navigate, as I am no longer automatically a public figure in the community I call home. Upon arriving in Texas, I wasn’t thrust into the community of Austin, on TV screens, or affiliated with a legacy media organization. And truthfully, I may still be navigating the absence of those things in my new reality. But it feels free to share and admit it. I’m really burying the lead here.
I am a Host and TV Journalist who decided, over time, that work-life balance was necessary at this stage of my life, personally and professionally. If you notice, I didn’t put “former” in front of those titles because I am slowly uncovering that two things can actually be true at once.
Media professionals who work in broadcast news specifically sign up for an immense level of sacrifice (and stress) that viewers (family and friends included) will never understand. The life of your favorite morning or evening TV news anchor and reporter may look thrilling, fulfilling, and even glamorous. That host you love watching, you’re obsessed with their style and personality and think they have the perfect job, right?
While many of these aspects may be valid for a lot of people in the business, you’d never guess that same on-air personality rarely sees their family, has no social life, lacks personal community, is sleep deprived because they got up for work at 1 am and is tired of relocating states just to continue climbing the ranks in market size. Oh, and I can’t forget to spotlight the salary disparities and toxic workplace culture that continue driving talented TV journalists out of the industry. There are absolutely newsrooms that defy these cons, but they are few and far between. I take great pride in serving communities and being an on-air “face” or “voice” for local affiliates like CBS, ABC, and The CW. But I am grateful to no longer be defined by it.
Once a communicator, always a communicator. This, I know, is absolute. So, upon officially deciding to take the leap of faith to a new role, I explored the most natural options of working in media relations, public relations, corporate communications, marketing, or another closely aligned specialty under the vast umbrella of the communications field. But the journey was not easy at all! At first glance, you’d think that it would be, considering the experiences and skills of a journalist are so vast (maybe too vast) and intimately align with the roles and responsibilities of each of the specialties I previously mentioned.
For those on a career transition of any kind, remember that it takes a specific hiring manager with a specific and longitudinal mindset at a very specific moment to naturally understand your work history and what you bring to the table. Your skills are transferable, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.
I’m thankful to have landed where I am today, working as a strategic communications consultant. Daily, I help clients refine their brand messaging, manage content creation and strategy, oversee digital and social channels, and curate executive thought leadership—all the things! I also recently implemented a Media and Speaker training program that I am very proud of, which assists executives and teams in communicating effectively and preparing for various public speaking opportunities.
I now am fully remote, which is a complete luxury and vastly different from my past life of waking up in the wee hours of the morning to be on air for the morning show at 5 am. Or early on in my career, working nights or on the weekend show. Being remote was non-negotiable, mainly because my soul needed it then. I was exhausted and burnt out on both ends, needing to disconnect to reconnect. And it has been a game changer in all aspects of my life! Remote life isn’t for everyone. But the fullness of joy, options, flexibility, and time to live life and create memories is! I encourage everyone to seek, attain, and maintain these values in whatever way possible.
I am also reconnecting to my creative passions as a content creator. It’s funny. I’ve been a content creator my entire career essentially, but I will admit that the social media content and influencer game are built differently! I am enjoying discovering the niche(s) I most naturally connect with and building an engaging online community that will begin to feel like family! Creating content is fun for me! I remember sitting on the floor in the living room of my college apartment many years ago, recording a video for YouTube. The platform wasn’t nearly what it is now, and Instagram was still new. Facebook existed, of course, but TikTok did not. I still have that video, but I never posted it. Not sure why. Fear? Doubt maybe?
The content I am creating now is for that young 20-something-year-old girl who wasn’t afraid of anything! She was outgoing, bold, and unapologetically loud. She was herself.
We owe it to ourselves and those who stand to benefit from our gift and talents to fully walk in the desires that continue burning a fire in our hearts. Stop sitting on your gifts! Pull them off the shelf. Plus, Austin is so full of culture. I thoroughly enjoy showcasing different aspects of the city, including restaurants, cool things to do, and just the excitement of Austin, Texas living! In addition to more intimate and personal parts of my life.
Rediscovering yourself on the journey towards fulfilling your God-given purpose and design is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of learning and unlearning, a lot of blind faith, and maybe even a mistake or two (or many) here or there. But is life really worth living without pouring out the things that have always been inside you?
My social media bio currently says, “Making space for more joy. Encouraging you to do the same.” I’m sure I’ll tweak it here and there as time passes, but overall, that’s what I aspire to do.
Inspire others to live authentically. Fully. Freely. And enjoy themselves along the way! Because none of us truly have it all figured out, anyway.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Included this in previous answer. Can share more if needed.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
For more on this specifically, I’d refer to the first and much longer answer I shared, but I’d love to highlight my work as a digital content creator!
I am based in Austin and am looking to collaborate with businesses to elevate their brands visually, get their products and services in front of their target audiences, and highlight what makes them IT! I specialize in many niche areas, as I don’t like being boxed in. Showcasing various aspects of your life can build more genuine connections with your followers.
Currently, my social media platforms include a mixture of lifestyle, foodie, travel, faith, fashion, and things to do. I am most active on Instagram, but I am also building an engaged online community on Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. Different strokes for different folks!
As mentioned previously, as a TV journalist, I have always created content — for millions of viewers at that. It’s natural and enjoyable for me. Now, as a communications professional, I am able to more deeply and strategically understand the needs of brands and businesses from all perspectives! Let’s connect and chat if you’re looking for an influencer to highlight your business authentically and creatively.
What makes you happy?
I’d refer to some of the other answers for this as well. But I love creating content simply because it brings me joy! Not enough of us do things that we simply enjoy. Life is really not that complicated when we dial it back to the basics of what comes most naturally to us. What talents do you have that you’ve always had? What skills or insight do people constantly come to YOU and only YOU for? Purpose often lies in the realm of these things.
I love traveling to places I’ve never been and experiencing different cultures. This is another reason why I am so thankful to now work remotely. I have more time to travel, which I didn’t have while working in TV news.
I love the beach and feel closest to God near the ocean.
I love spending time with my family and friends. We were created to be in relationship and community with one another. Nothing else really matters.
I love reality TV and LifeTime. I also love a good margarita because, life!
I enjoy self-care and am thankful for the opportunity to prioritize more of it these days. Everyone, men and women, deserves a good pamper session! And that can look different for each individual. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself because you can’t pour from an empty cup.
I love prioritizing my health and fitness, and I enjoy hot yoga. Something about the excruciatingly painful heat is blissful and necessary all at the same time. I am my best when I prioritize working out consistently.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brejaminperkins/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brejaminperkins/