About 12 years ago, I got very sick. I could barely swallow any food or liquids for over a year. In the first two months, I lost 25 pounds due to the illness. It took almost a year to get a diagnosis. Unfortunately, I have an incurable, pre-cancerous illness but before I even received a diagnosis, I knew I needed to do something to help my mental health. I was falling apart. I started using the science of positive psychology and the happiness habits. These were positive psychology interventions; I had used with my clients and saw results but now it was my turn and it really helped me shift into a more positive place so I could heal.
It’s been a roller coaster ride both with my illness and business but overall, it’s been a great experience and I love what I do. Being a solopreneur can be very tough and lonely at times so having a passion for what you do is very important.
I’m a positive psychology coach, educator, author and speaker. I have a coaching business and I speak all over the US both virtually and in person. I have three books, my most recent is Mindfully Happy – Waking up to Life published by Sentia.
It’s individually defined and for me, it changes. At this moment, I find success about consistently moving forward both professionally and personally. I find success doing better than I did yesterday. I also ask these questions at least monthly to make sure I’m moving forward.
Am I stepping outside of my comfort zone and growing?
Is my business going up a level?
Contact Info:
- Website: www.dianelang.org
- Instagram: instagram.com/dianelangcoaching
- Facebook: facebook.com/
creatingbalanceandfindinghappi ness
Image Credits
Christian Pollard Sona Viola