Today we’d like to introduce you to Gabriela Guimaraes.
Gabriela, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I have been a doctor for 15 years in Brazil, having residency in medical emergency and intensive care units. As time went by, I realized that, unfortunately, despite all our efforts to practice medicine that recommended regular use of medication and healthy habits, patients often returned with the same symptoms and illnesses and claimed to have done everything correctly as had been done. Furthermore, I treated cancer and what it’s like to be on the other side. So, I started 6 years ago, studying nutrition and specialized in nutrology, which is a medical specialty that studies food, and after that, I discovered a new world of functional medicine, where we understand that diseases have one or more causes and that If we do not specifically treat the cause and only treat the consequences with medicine, we keep the patient sick and dependent on doctors and medicines. I began to understand the real importance of an individualized diet since many people have reactions to foods considered common and natural, the importance of quality sleep, stress management, regular physical activity, the importance of contact with nature, understanding about their feelings and traumas, dental treatments, contact with parasites, environmental contaminants, in resume, a multitude of other environmental relationships that are fundamental in the disease processes and also in their treatment. At a conference by the brilliant Dave Asprey, and looking for and reading scientific research, I met Professor Gonzalez-Lima, a scientist and international researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, who works with two very interesting and functional treatments, which are the methylene blue and the photo biomodulation and due to my extensive clinical experience, he invited me to work on an innovative and revolutionary project, with the use of infrared light therapy in autistic patients.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Changing countries is always a difficult adaptive process, mainly due to another culture and language, distance from family and friends. Furthermore, I came to study non-traditional medicine, and thinking “outside the box” is also a great challenge in a country where more than 60% of the population has obesity and poor eating and lifestyle habits.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I have a secret passion for bodybuilding, and my goal in the coming years is to prepare to compete amateurly. It’s fascinating for me to understand and realize that we can sculpt our body, turning it into a work of art, with nutrition and physical activity.
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
For me, the most important things are my family and the well-being of my family and friends, caring for my patients and knowing that they understand the importance and difference of my work, and maintaining positive thinking in the face of the difficulties and adversities of life. Knowing that everything is temporary and that with determination and courage, we can change the world we live in and, above all, build a better future. “What starts here changes the world.”
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @agabistreit
- Facebook: Gabriela Streit
- Youtube: Dra. Gabi Streit