Today we’d like to introduce you to Paola Vargas.
Hi Paola, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
A tireless traveler who found her home in Austin, I started working in a candle company (four years ago), and I loved combining that world with mine (creativity). This project starts almost a year ago, and even knowing that it entered a saturated market and a lot of competition and that we were not going to invent anything new but rather create a brand that would stand out from the rest, and of which I am very proud of the result.
Two sisters Paola and Maureen who share among other things the passion for creativity in all its forms, for creating experiences, situations and things that make our environment and day to day a more beautiful place to be and share… Hence the idea of creating Pink Flamingo Candle “love your memories” was born … Since we needed to translate that feeling and concern into something tangible that we could share with the rest of the world …
We know how important our senses are and that is why we have created a series of quality products with the best ingredients so that we can experience a complete feeling of well-being and happiness.
This project would not exist without the blessing of having each other, since even in every little detail, we have both participated in the creation of each product and that separately we would never have achieved this result of which we are very proud.
It has been a process from which we have learned a lot, and we know that we still have a lot to learn.
Our goal is that people like and enjoy each product since we have made it with great care and enthusiasm.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Obviously, the beginnings are not easy for almost anyone, and I have not been an exception, we will always find ourselves with difficulties, obstacles, fears, indecision, but if I have learned, it is that we set the limits ourselves, the mind is very powerful and unfortunately it almost always plays against us, so I decided to learn to dominate my mind, in order to create the reality that I want to live, another important point is to surround yourself with people who transmit positivity, have ideas similar to yours, enterprising people. They have helped make the road a little easier obviously, the hard work will always be there, but I do it with all the love in the world because IT IS MY PROJECT! Perhaps the hardest thing for me was to start on my own in a place where I don’t have family, and many times I have felt that it would have been a little easier if they had been around. But I feel blessed to be able to have your support from a distance.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Since I was a child, I always remember being very creative, my memories are always around pencils and colors, with which I started coloring books, for later and making my own drawings, I finished school and decided to go to the art High School the last two years before After going to college, I realized that I loved it, so I decided to study Advertising and Public Relations and specialize in Advertising creativity, I feel happy in my world, in front of my computer, and my headphones listening to music and creating my next designs of candles, I enjoy making bath bombs, soaps… I never imagined that I would end up in this business and that I would like it so much, and in that I have been able to perfectly combine PINK FLAMINGO CANDLE with what I am (a creator).
We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
That if I don’t know how to do something, I look for a way to learn how to do it on my own. Which represents a great effort and more time than I would like on some occasions. In addition to the fact that I am a very perfectionist person and I want everything to look perfect, an example is when you see how I put the labels on the candles, everything has to be centered and aligned.
- 8oz candles Luxury tin: $17,95
- 14 oz Regular tin: $22,95
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