Today we’d like to introduce you to Mark Perun
Hi Mark, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I’ve been a chili pepper fanatic since I was about 10 years old, and would often eat picked cherry peppers and jalapenos as a snack. Needless to say, my heat tolerance has increased over the years and I put chili spice on pretty much everything I eat, whether it’s fresh chili peppers, hot sauce, or pepper flakes.
Fortunately, my wife also likes spicy food, and it’s a good thing because that could’ve been a deal breaker, haha. During our traveling days, we made it a priority to try some of the wonderful spicy cuisines and native chili peppers in the countries we visited. It’s one of many things we bonded over, and a one of the few things we could never easily give up.
While living in NYC, we often dined out at different pizzerias. We tried some amazing pizza, but the one consistent problem was the crushed red pepper – always the same, boring, generic flakes. Then one day it dawned on us…why not turn our spicy pleasures into passion. Why not create something that can better spice up our dishes without drastically altering the flavor of the food (as hot sauces often do). Something that we can put on pretty much everything. It was at that moment when I decided to make it happen. Our slogan pretty much sums it up: ‘say goodbye to crushed red pepper, say hello to YOWZA chili spice!’
In the fall of 2020, we moved to Austin, TX. COVID was somewhat a blessing in disguise because it really gave me the time I needed to build the business without interruption, and allowed me to get all the tedious groundwork out of the way – creating the recipes, building the website and social media pages, applying for all the necessary permits, etc. Renting space at a commercial kitchen was also required, and it’s where all the manufacturing takes place.
Yowza Spice LLC officially launched in 2021.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I’ll be honest, owning a product-based business isn’t easy. Consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands is particularly challenging because there are so many moving pieces that determine the brands success – market trends, consumer demand, supply chain unpredictability, compliance guidelines and regulations, competition, innovation, rising costs, marketing/advertising strategies, securing and maintaining shelf space with retailers – are just some of the challenges we face. Many CPG brands fail within the first 3 years, and those that survive beyond the 3-year mark still struggle to turn profit.
Fortunately, the spicy food industry is rapidly growing, and the trend is expected to continue for years to come. I’m happy to say that Yowza Spice has also been steadily growing, but I’m at a point where it’s becoming difficult to keep up with the work load. In order to scale up the business, I would need to quit my full-time job. Of course, that’s easier said than done, because like everyone else, I have bills to pay (whomp whomp). It’s a rather frustrating catch-22 situation, but I’m hopeful things will work out. As the saying goes – slow and steady wins the race. I believe that.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Made with all-natural ingredients, YOWZA chili spice is a unique, flavorful blend of premium pepper flakes and spices that’ll have you burning for more! We offer 4 different blends that vary in heat intensity and flavor – Original, Fire, Inferno, & Smoke Bomb.
Unlike standard crushed red pepper, we use several different chili pepper varieties in each of our blends. A touch of paprika, garlic, onion, and sea salt is also added to create the ultimate chili spice. It is incredibly versatile and makes a fantastic compliment to just about any dish. Enjoy it on pizza, pasta, soup, salad, stir-fry, chili, eggs, sauces, or whatever your taste buds desire. There really is nothing quite like it on the market, and that’s one big advantage we have over the competition – it’s unique. We also recently launched our ‘Angry BBQ Rub,’ which has quickly become a fan favorite.
Since launch, we have participated as a vendor for numerous BBQ cook-off events, festivals, and local markets with great success. Online sales has also grown year after year, and we can now be found on the shelves of Mikey V’s hot sauce shop. The focus for this year and the goal moving forward is getting into retail.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
I’ve read several books and listened to a few podcasts on entrepreneurship, startups, business ownership, and branding, but some of the most valuable information comes from building relationships with others in the industry. Seeking advice from seasoned business owners and learning about their experiences (failures and successes) helps create a roadmap for your brand, and helps guide you towards success.
- Original – $6.99
- Fire – $8.99
- Inferno – $11.99
- Smok Bomb – $8.99
- Yowza Spice Box – $29.99
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.yowzaspice.com
- Instagram: @yowzaspice
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yowzaspice