Today we’d like to introduce you to Aaron Hyman. They and their team shared their story with us below:
Founded in 2017, Austin Yard Barber is a Landscape Design company run by husband and wife team Aaron and Elizabeth Hyman. Aaron started AYB to reconnect with his love of nature, the earth, and craftsmanship. He has experience in many areas of construction and a passion for design. Focusing on a structural balance of clean lines and natural form, Austin Yard Barber captures an aesthetic that is not only on trend but timeless using natural and artificial materials. Aaron’s landscapes represent good design, purpose, and respect for the Central Texas environment.
Alright, let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what challenges have you had to overcome?
Certainly not. As with any small business, there are plenty of road bumps. The Covid pandemic exacerbated this. We could tread water long enough to land on our feet thanks to PPP and SBA loans. I’m a builder and artist first, so the business end of the operation will always present challenges, especially when it comes to scaling. Still, so far, we have managed and have kept our focus on the design and building portion, creating a lot of happy clients along the way.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
After a decade in hospitality management, it was time for a change. I’ve always been a creator at heart, which, combined with my natural draw to nature, made this profession a perfect fit. Approaching the business with a “Jack of all trades” perspective, I took on any job that came my way. Over time, my specialties quickly became apparent. I have an excellent eye for design and can problem-solve while creating spaces that complement our client’s vision. Custom welding work is one aspect that my clients seek me out for. I design and build many metal structures, from edging to planters to fences and pergolas. Our focus on relationship building is a large portion of what separates us from the competition. All those years in hospitality management must have had a lingering effect because we primarily focused on ensuring our clients were informed and comfortable throughout the process.
Can you share something surprising about yourself?
I don’t know how surprising it is to people as I’m a pretty open book. I put a lot of effort into working with Austin DSA to improve our city, fighting discriminating policies, trying to help our unhoused neighbors, supporting unions, and building class consciousness and solidarity. Design and construction take up almost all of my time, but when some free time presents itself, that’s where my efforts are focused. Growing up in Austin has had a lasting effect on me, and I feel fortunate to work with many like-minded clients. A long-term dream of mine is to turn this thing into a co-op.
Contact Info:
- Website: Austinyardbarber.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austinyardbarber
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/austin-yard-barber-austin