Today we’d like to introduce you to Bea Canchola
Hi Bea, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
What started out as hobby shopping with my mom would develop into what Shadowplay Relics is today.
My creative journey began decades ago. As a child I would try my hand at drawing, mainly copies of cartoon characters, Growing up in the 90’s I was obsessed with what was on the radio, Spice girls, TLC, Selena. I became fascinated with fashion and alternative. My mom was really encouraging through my creative pursuits I really can’t thank her enough for all those trips to the craft store.
I grew up in Victoria Texas and would travel to Austin frequently. It was only natural I would make this my permanent home.
I Moved to Austin in 2013 and lived many lives since then. I’ve been a hairdresser, Waitress, door person, bartender, many odd jobs in between. I came here ready for experiences and looking to connect. It was so refreshing to start over and see where it would take me. One thing remains the same since day one, community will have your back.
In 2019 my focus became sewing and textile art. The idea of being able to wear what I was making made so much sense, it was practical. I would create my first line for runway that fall and would eventually co create a look for the glamorous Louisiana purchase. By 2020 I did wardrobe work on a small production and started feeling pretty confident I wanted to pursue seriously.
Motivation came by way of a Global Pandemic! By that point I had no choice but to start over and figure out how I was going to get through the coming months. A friend suggested I make cloth masks so I shared on socials and the orders started coming in. I was able to live off that modestly for some time and even invest in the next idea. My Friend Elaine and I collaborated on a swim suit line Turing her art into wearable designs. We were on lockdown but that wasn’t gonna stop us from laying out in the sun near the kiddy pool or whatever. I would eventually catch the attention of local creative/retail shop Feels So Good. I joined their team the fall of 2020 and started selling reworked garments and do brand labeling for them.
In the last five years I started offering tailoring services on and off site and have been extremely grateful for the trust and patience my community gives. They really do load me up with work and I couldn’t be happier at this point in my career.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My main struggle for sure was funding. Especially in the beginning. I lost my job and unemployment benefits during covid and I definitely wasn’t prepared for that.
Having a job allows me to explore my interests and now they work one in the same.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’d say a big part of what I do is repurpose and repair clothing. I offer onsite alteration services, fitting appointments, custom clothing and accessories. I do a couple of pop up markets a month where I sell handmade goods.
What makes you happy?
What makes me happiest is Creativity, and seeing how it interacts in the natural world.
It’s like for a moment you can forget any worries and just play.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://shadowplayrelics.bigcartel.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shadowplayrelics_