Today we’d like to introduce you to Becca Christensen.
Hi Becca; thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, you could tell our readers some of your backstories.
Hi! I’m Becca! When asked who I am or my story, it always feels so gigantic. I am still trying to figure out where to begin. Also, there is who we are and what we do, which are different, but we often think of them as the same. What do I do and am doing in life? I am a former elementary teacher turned mortgage lender extraordinaire and now adding author, speaker, and thought leader. My undergrad is in education, and my master’s in educational leadership, and a lifetime of learning within myself. I love sailing, exercising, dancing, exploring, traveling, reading, and learning. I’m currently working on Spanish and French so that as my husband and I travel the world; we can better communicate with more people. Oh, and we plan to travel with the world via sailboat soon! Not necessarily with the goal of circumnavigating, although at some point I’m sure we will make the loop – but more for the sake of exploring and experiencing all this world has to offer on land, underwater, amongst people and cultures and in the remote corners where there is nothing but nature.
While I am still making loans fun (my catchphrase for my mortgage lending), I am also really inspired by the book I am writing. I have always felt and been told I had a book within me, but last May, I finally committed to begin. It is a memoir that focuses on a particularly challenging and traumatic time in my life, how I overcame it, and the growth, evolution, and clarity I uncovered—finding my truth and rediscovering my voice. It should be out near the middle of 2023 and although I still need to nail down the title, if you would like more info, follow @thebeccachristensen on Instagram!
Who am I, my soul, my spirit, my consciousness? I am a ball of energy! A bright, sparkly light and a humongous smile that wants to embrace others and life. I am open and honest, which means that I soak in all the love and light possible, but I am also vulnerable to being hurt because I trust first most of the time until proven wrong. I am getting much more adept at setting healthy boundaries and ensuring that I am whole to contribute to the world from the overflow. I laugh all the time and find ridiculous things entertaining. I seek nature in all its glory and desire to be more connected to it with each passing day. At this stage in my life, I seek the things that I feel most aligned with and follow those, no matter how simple or strange, small or substantial (aka scary!). I am strong, confident, empowered, and a badass. I am also peace, bliss, love, calm, in the flow, and simply enough within myself.
Can you talk to us about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
No, the road has not been smooth. I wanted just a smooth, easy road—a simple life. Now I tend toward an interesting road that has some more bumps or complexities but is less traveled and so rewarding. Yes, I am a recovering control freak. My life as an early teen and young adult was riddled with challenging family situations, a variety of abuse, and curve balls that can only be described over a strong drink or in a book. I developed coping mechanisms to survive these, leading me to people-pleasing, perfectionism, and the need for control. It made me feel safe, and for the longest time, that was what I wanted more than anything safety, stability, and love. I also was told what to think for so long that I didn’t know my truth, and I shut down my voice (internally and externally) and expression to stay out of trouble, minimize conflict or abuse and hopefully make the road smoother. Coming out of some of that trauma, all I thought I wanted was that elusive smooth road. I met someone, fell in love, and started a life with them. It was simple, not perfect, but I thought that was how life was to be lived, how I could be loved and safe. A massive curveball quickly brought on some equally massive revelations. Choosing the easy, smooth road didn’t keep me safe, neither from hurt nor pain nor did it guarantee my happiness. This was the beginning of my journey of healing and growth, which will continue for my entire life. It, in itself, is a complex road, but I feel more certain that this is the life I want to live, where I journey both inward to myself and outward into the world.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am writing my first book, which will launch around the middle of 2023! Super exciting! I am proud of my growth and evolution as I have worked hard on writing and creating this book! I cannot wait to see how others connect to my story and what opportunities it brings, including sharing, speaking, or facilitating conversations worldwide. For more info on the book, follow @thebeccachristensen on Instagram or visit thebeccachristensen.com.
I am also a local mortgage lender here in Texas, and I make loans fun! Buying a home can be complicated and sometimes scary, but I make mortgages less scary and way more fun by getting to know my clients (who often become my friends) and explaining the process, details, and options. I’m not your average lender and have the organizational savvy, enthusiasm, and heart to be an essential part of your home-buying adventure! Visit me at WeMakeLoansFun.com.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Being authentic to myself is most important, followed by some major organizational skills, system creation and follow through, making and keeping real connections with people, and communicating consistently, proactively, and with kindness.
Image Credits
Professional photography by Tara Welsh