Today we’d like to introduce you to Claire Hebner, MD.
Hi Claire, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, let’s briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
I have been a pediatrician for twenty years and for the last fifteen I have worked at Austin Regional Clinic (ARC). ARC is a wonderful multi-specialty clinic system and I loved my patients and colleagues, but I had a growing passion to serve families who could not afford healthcare. I knew there are many wonderful medical organizations that do serve these children, but their capacity is not enough and the need is great.
So almost two years ago I decided that it was time to devote my practice to children who have no insurance. And Lirios Pediatrics Free Care for Kids was born. Thankfully from the start I have had an incredible Executive Director, Monica Simmons. Together, and with the help of community organizations and national nonprofits, we created a nonprofit pediatric clinic from scratch.
Forming a new medical clinic and nonprofit has been an remarkable journey, one that we were not entirely sure was possible. Monica and I did not have any prior experience in setting up either. We have learned a tremendous amount on the way and it is incredibly fulfilling- I strongly recommend following your dream!
Would it have been a smooth road, and what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
As a nonprofit, the biggest continual challenge is, and will continue to be, funding. We have received some grants, corporate support, individual donations and many in-kind donations from organizations. We are constantly seeking more funding sources.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Lirios has been open for two months and already all of our appointments fill each day. We provide all aspects of pediatric primary care including well checks and behavioral evaluations, care for acute illnesses and chronic diseases, vaccinations, and mental health care.
Looking at what Lirios Pediatrics has seen in the past two months, in my mind I have added “keeping kids in school and out of the ER” to the end of Lirios Pediatrics, Free Care for Kids. Schools are sending students to us who can’t enroll because they do not have required vaccines. We are able to see these kids within a day and send them back to school, while also evaluating and treating their other healthcare needs. We have seen kids who are very ill because their families can not afford chronic prescriptions for asthma or epilepsy. We are able to treat these kids and send them home with the medications they need and medical follow-up. All for free.
We have been blessed to have partnered with Austin Radiologic Association to provide free X-RAYs as needed. We are currently looking for a similar laboratory partner to donate services to us. We do some labs in clinic, but there are tests we can not do.
AND we get to give kids free books at their appointments, courtesy of BookSpring!
All children deserve equitable and quality healthcare. I am honored to be part of achieving this vision.
Can you talk to us about the role of luck?
I am not sure what I think about the concept of luck. Luck takes away responsibility, whether good or bad. I could say I was lucky that Monica agreed to join me on this venture, but really her generous heart and passion are responsible for her decision. We could feel lucky that we got our nonprofit status expedited, but Rep. Mike McCaul’s office went to bat for us because they saw so many Central Texas children that needed healthcare. Every step along the way someone has helped our clinic become reality- each nonprofit, each donor, each volunteer, and each partner is responsible for our success.
I don’t feel lucky. I feel grateful.
- Our clinic is completely free to uninsured kids. This includes well checks, vaccines, illness and injury visits, many prescriptions and some lab tests.
- We do not see kids with insurance, including Medicaid and MAP
Contact Info:
- Website: liriospediatrics.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liriospediatrics
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/82279118/admin/
Image Credits
The hug image, the book image, and the exam image are donated by Michael James.