Today we’d like to introduce you to John Alfone.
Hi John, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I am a New Orleans native who grew up in a lower middle-class background. The arts & film/tv were not part of my life growing up but I remember being around some very, very colorful personalities in southern Louisiana.
I attended college in New York City at Columbia University and eventually got an MFA in Media Arts Production (Film. Video, Multimedia) at the City University of New York City College. I had always possessed a strong background in writing and recall finishing my undergraduate degree not 100% knowing what I wanted to do professionally. What I did know is that I did not want to end up in a career that I was uninterested in for the long term so I took my time figuring out a career trajectory.
Getting into the film industry was a complete mystery at the time and proceeded to fill some void in my life. It coalesced my interests in writing, fine art, & music. For me, both the technical and professional sides are so complex that any ennui I had in my life prior was now gone. I had struggled with alcohol and drug use in my early 20s, and now I had found a vocation so difficult and complicated that I no longer had time to sulk and figure out what I wanted to do!
I originally had hoped to work above-the-line as a director but slowly learned commercially many are called but few are chosen. I got a break from a publication called “Below the Line” ( writing some articles for them regionally in the New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana regions and over the years learned this would in fact become part of my “turf.”
Following years of regional magazine writing and production gigs, Covid-19 has been some kind of blessing for me and actually jumpstarted my career as I became a Covid-19 Compliance Officer. The pay for working in this department has been quite good and gave me the opportunity to travel outside of my region and in most cases double my pay grade. The audio and camera technicians as well as production management professionals I have worked with have been nothing short of outstanding so if you are new to this business invest heavily in your gear and learn your craft! You are only as good as your last gig!
I am very, very mobile as I pursue opportunities in the film/tv industry and taking chances and risks are simply part of staying in it. One thing I have learned is that it is one thing to get your foot in the door in the entertainment industry and it is another thing to keep it there and continue working.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of a labyrinth.
I started writing regionally for the film/tv industry and when I plateaued decided to make a go of producing for individuals and small businesses looking to get their name and/or brand out there. I then pivoted to production work because my profit margins were very low as I paid people to work on my “commercial” productions.
At some point as I made a transition out of writing and micro-budget producing to production work, I painfully learned for myself that I would rather simply work doing paid production work with credible film, tv, streaming companies rather than toil in complete obscurity.
Now that I possess approximately 35 viewable credits to my name, I am hoping to leverage my experience and start working above-the-line as a writer/producer/director. I still also have plans to get a feature and/or pilot off the ground for some original intellectual property I have co-written which is a 1950s period movie about the Korean War.
Here is more about the project including a link to the “proof of concept” short:
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
Corsair Media Productions, LLC ( is a limited-liability corporation set up to bring a cutting-edge look to small businesses & organizations and that is what I specialize in. Some of my work can be viewed here:
I am currently known for being a PA and Covid-19 Compliance Officer and that is what the industry pays me for.
From a writing standpoint, I am most proud of the article I wrote about the “Day for Night” Music Festival that took place in Houston, Texas:
From a video production perspective, I really liked the videos my company produced:
“College Prospect Basketball Network” (Lafayette, Louisiana)
“Fast Bar at SXSW” (Austin, Texas)
I think what sets my company apart is that I take this idea of regionalism quite literally and have made it a mandate to promote this culture internationally quite seriously.
Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
I think networking is amazing and can be done in-person and through the Internet. Stay active. Take risks. Manage expectations.
I find having a support group of intelligent peers both in your industry and outside of it is your best resource. They will give you perspectives that challenge your own beliefs and in some instances guide you toward new possibilities. Sometimes a challenging new opportunity presents itself and having smart people around you offering counsel can make the difference turning that experience into a success.
- Article–$250
- Video for Individual–$1000
- Small Business (“Mom & Pop”) Video–$2500 ($2000 also works)
- Non-Fortune 500 Corporate Video–$5000
- Fortune 500 Corporate Video–$10,000
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