Today we’d like to introduce you to Nancy Knight-Brown.
Hi Nancy, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
My business began with a seed planted in a dream. I awoke one morning about a year ago after having a vision of a Dance Studio. It felt like God told me to get started on THIS vision. And he’s spoken to me through my dreams ever since. I would go to bed worried or confused about some particular step I needed to take next and I would awake the next day with ideas in my head about what I needed to do. This vision, I believe, was the result of my praying about my future – post-working years. I am close to retirement and realized that my husband and I did an OK job of securing our finances to have a decent income after retirement, but that wouldn’t allow us to live as comfortably as we would like and to be able to travel and enjoy the fruits of our labor. So, the idea of starting a business doing something I really enjoy began rambling around in my brain. I have always loved to dance. I danced as a young person and even as an older adult, the feeling of dance is like the freedom to me. The rhythmic beats speak to my soul. So, that’s why and when God planted the seed and gave me the vision. I began researching, reading, talking to other business owners, engaging relevant mentors, asking endless questions and moved forward full steam ahead with the idea. God also placed really specific people in our lives out of nowhere that would be absolutely instrumental in getting the business started.
There were also quite a few roadblocks and speed bumps along the way and I felt like a mouse going through a maze. I would begin happily walking down a path to what seemed to be taking me in the right direction and then I would bump into a wall that caused me to change course. So then I’d start down that path and bump again and this would repeat until I finally came to the Opening in the maze that I liken to the opening of my business.
We have had sooo much help along the way and we will need a whole lot more prayers and assistance to become successful but I have no doubt we will get there. God gave me the vision and he will give me the tools to make this dream a reality.
At the risk of being cliche and repetitive, it really is about following your dreams, believing in yourself and mostly believing in the magic of God’s blessings that are specifically for you. Everyone’s story is different – we all have to follow OUR path.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
We had some challenges with the build out of our space with delays in city permitting and unreliable contractors and delays with materials being available. Because of these delays, we lost opportunities to employ certain dance instructors and to capitalize on the summer months of kids and teachers being out for the summer, etc.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’ve worked in the Insurance industry my whole adult life.
Can you share something surprising about yourself?
I am a HUGE sports enthusiast. I played on a flag football team in high school and college and once had dreams of being a little league or HS football coach.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.nkbdanceandexpressions.com
- Instagram: nkbdanceandexpressions_
- Facebook: NKBDanceandExpressions