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Conversations with Rachel Aquino

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Aquino.

Hi Rachel, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
My journey in digital art started from a young age as a form of travel into imagined worlds and exploration of thought. As my vision and voice developed, I began to test my own perception of life and my experiences through the digital realm. I have found that sometimes my art originates from an immeasurable place within myself and other times, my art is an expansion past the idea of the self. Because of this art-making became an act of catharsis for me and a healing practice. When it comes to creating, I have embellished myself with the craft of photography, videography, fashion, makeup, and writing, and have found great purpose through each element towards a greater understanding. I then stripped myself of it only to find another purpose of equal importance in its absence. Along the way, I have discovered that creating reflects the beauty of human contradiction and the ability to co-exist within the dual nature of being. I have learned to appreciate many routes of expression through aesthetics and to treat my craft as experimental.
I refrain from labeling my art as anything specific to avoid the limitations of definitions precedent.

Creative direction to me is a place to explore, to express, to feel, and deconstruct time through any medium that resonates within me. I am still on my journey to fine-tune my ability to direct and express the life-force energy that resides in all of us in the many ways it presents itself. This is a lifelong journey that I have found fulfilling every step of the way in any and every way I can share it. There is power in the act of being and in becoming–the space in-between the two is where I have found my creative expression to thrive.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
A lot of challenges I have faced emerged from the idea that my art needed to be a certain way in order to be successful or recognized. From this, I approached the liberation of limiting thoughts and constructs that society imposes on myself and my craft. I have learned to separate the idea of value that systems have created from the value my art brings to the world. I remind myself constantly that my art has a place in the world– even when I feel like it reaches no one. I have redefined success in creating the most authentic expression of art I possibly can, even when creating feels like a shout into the void and find happiness in my ability to birth new ideas into the world. I have also struggled with periods of disassociation that have haltered my ability to feel and express. Art-making has been one of the only ways I found myself able to express the most abstract experiences I could not define for myself. Through it, I have claimed parts of myself that I felt were lost and have discovered more than I knew existed.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I had previously only taken photos accompanying my inner philosophies and stories. As my unique avenue of thought and personal vision evolved and turned purple it tailored me for creative direction—one uniquely intimate to me.

My dreams and my most inner stream of consciousness is where I enter the realm of Gobou Direction. A realm where photo and design is an extension of my dreams—my creative direction—my inspirations—my aspirations.

Truth be told, I’m particularly interested in the realms of consciousness that people are often hesitant to touch and shy away from. However, A deep dive into the shadows quickly turns into the most authentic and humbling experience for an artist to explore.

This is where Spicy Gobou emerged— the things that didn’t make sense to me about my art suddenly became clear when the acceptance of my purple visions became my repertoire.

When I sleep, I fall into the hyperboles of each corner of my consciousness. I confront my deepest fears personified by otherworldly imagery and find discomfort in my wake, which could only exist in juxtaposition to my most beautiful dreams of a sacred purple realm. The skies are painted fuchsia and deep lavender. I am encompassed by luxurious love from the water and aura of the air. Where my practice is play and the possibilities are limitless. All the thoughts that circle me unify with intention. A personified thought experiment to tickle the mind purple.

I aim to share the breadth of that beauty and personal introspection through my creative direction for people to claim as a reflection of their own.

I tend to speak in abstractions that only I understand and am confident the right people will find fragments of themself in them too. My art can be seen as a reflection of both you and I. You can find yourself in me and hopefully, this leads you to look deeper into yourself. I hope my art guides others to their own and resides adjacent to the kind hearts of their most authentic selves. I want my art to be stuck in the hidden crevasses of people’s minds and give them comfort. I want to blur the confines of reality, dreamscapes, and virtual worlds.

I want to challenge everything I once knew and the thoughts of others.

Art-making in my presence shows up as defiant, eccentric, curious, freeing, and a relief to the human condition. That is my promise to the world. Here I indulge you in my story and the chance to let me tell yours through the lenses of liberating aesthetic languages.

Where aesthetics become philosophic intersected and intertwined is where you will find the realm of Gobou direction and the most purple thoughts.

What matters most to you?
I value passion, gratitude, curiosity, empathy, connection, and the ability to inquire with the world. I envision a world that honors our connection to one another and is passionate about creating a world worth sharing.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Photographers: Rachel Lazatin Aquino| Rachel Karls
Models: Rachel Lazatin Aquino | Kayla Payne | Phung Huynh
Creative Director: Rachel Lazatin Aquino
Hair and Makeup Artists: Katherine Tang | Ryan Velasquez | Tzy Byl | Dominic Aleman
3D fashion design: Alex Cao
3D design: Rachel Lazatin Aquino
Fashion design: Thien Do
Graphic Design: Micaela Gálvez Frisancho
Fashion Styling: Julia Garrett and Kealy Farra

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