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Daily Inspiration: Meet Carrie Felton

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carrie Felton.

Hi Carrie, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for sharing your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
It started with the 325 Live Oak Tree that resided on our property. The inspiration we felt made an obvious choice on where we would get married. I was planning our wedding in 2015, and my fiancee, John, was putting in the beginning infrastructure, water, and electricity to our ceremony and reception area in our sustainably green wedding venue. Then he had a big idea that we should start a wedding venue. I asked him if he could wait until after our wedding, but he could not. His creativity was in action. So much of who we are now, we had no clue of then; A sustainable, green wedding venue that inspires couples to participate in a hopeful future.

Please talk to us about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned. Looking back, has it been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It definitely could have been a smoother road. The hardest thing was realizing what we were doing. In terms of who we are, our voice, and how we are making a difference- the big picture: Sustainable, Green, and moving toward a regenerative Wedding Venue. Those qualities are so engrained in who we are as people that it was naturally inherent in our business and hard to see at first. And John wasn’t just building a wedding venue- there are many of them. The way he produces is the difference. That makes us stand out from the 800 wedding venues in Austin. Because of the way John creates, at the moment, Felton Ranch is an artisan-crafted venue built by the hands of its owner. That’s not unique; it’s rare.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
It’s not me. It’s John. He is the creative force behind our business. He’s a master carpenter and craftsman that’s created this for 50 years. He’s the artist who builds and creates the structures, not from a plan, but by creating them at the moment: he shows up and engages in his craft.

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you, and are any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
The importance of business relationships. It’s easier to find like-minded businesses and work together than go at it alone. Alone is hard. Working together with another like-minded, values-driven business is financially beneficial to both parties, but the support you’re able to give and receive is insurmountable.


  • $2,000-$6,000

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Image Credits
Two Pair Photo Keilany Knight Photo Betsy Y Photo

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