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Daily Inspiration: Meet Hagit Segal

Today we’d like to introduce you to Hagit Segal.

Hi Hagit, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
It all started with a mother who wanted to teach her daughter that making mistakes is okay and that they can be great learning opportunities. She created a doll and left it with a note outside her daughter’s room. At the time, Mistake was a cute handmade doll, and as an educator, I saw so much potential for educational content that could be created around this concept. I wanted to help children embrace and love themselves for who they are. A humble doll became a learning experience teaching children early on that we need to fail to be our greatest, and that is okay. At Mistake Club we make this world better, one mistake at a time.

You wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been smooth?
Children, parents, and educators loved Mistake Club’s message from day one. Our main struggle was that we had many ideas but little time and resources to execute them. We managed to raise money, create content, produce dolls, print books, and develop activities for children, all while taking care of our own kids. We found a solution to every challenge and kept pushing because we believed we must share the gift of Mistake Club with the world. We come to this world to share our gifts and serve others, precisely what I am trying to do with Mistake Club.

Let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Everything I have ever done and learned has led me to the work I do with Mistake Club. My background as an early childhood educator allows me to create high-quality content and simplify complex ideas for all ages. I love creating creative and fun activities for the whole family to enjoy and spend quality time with while learning and discussing meaningful topics. My graphic and web designer background helps me easily execute my vision. My superpower is that I am not afraid of challenges and learn new skills very quickly. I challenge myself every day to think like there is no box. I come up with crazy ideas and try them, knowing that if they fail, it’s just another step on my way to success.

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 crisis?
The Covid-19 crisis taught me that any time is a good time to create. When Covid hit, our investors, who were days from signing the papers, backed out. The Covid crisis was the time to share our work with the world. People experienced so much anxiety, uncertainty, and isolation, and we felt we could provide content and tools to help children and adults, so we did just that.


  • Mistake Doll: $35
  • Mistake Club Book: $5
  • Mistake Stickers: $1.5
  • Mistake Bundle (doll, bag, book, stickers: $39

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Mayra Azanza, Hagit Segal

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