Today we’d like to introduce you to JaNett Hill.
Hi JaNett, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
In January of 2020, my daughter Elliott, who was three at the time, was diagnosed with stage 4 Wilms Tumor – a form of kidney cancer. We were absolutely devastated. What started out as a simple FB page, and way to give updates to friends and family all at once, grew into purpose.
As a photographer, I used photos to tell her story. I’d write updates along with our prayer requests and praises for that day, so that those that followed along knew how best to pray for us.
One night, sitting in Elliott’s hospital room, the vision behind Mustard Seed Mountain Ministries came to me. As much as I used photos to document our journey as a way to heal and share God’s mercies through the darkness, I knew that other families might not have that same luxury. Photography can be expensive, and when you’re pouring all you have emotionally, but also financially into saving your child’s life, you can’t justify spending any extra.
So at that point, I knew I needed to use the talents God had given me to bless other families on the same journey we were on, and I was sure that the photographers I knew, and the community as a whole would be supportive and would want to step in and help!
It took almost over a year for the nonprofit to come to life. Elliott completed treatment, had her final surgery, and was declared Cancer Free!! A few months after that I began sharing my vision with my sister who immediately said “let’s do this” and has been my biggest support system and right-hand girl the entire way!
Aside from our mission, to support Pediatric Cancer Families, our name was the next most important piece of the puzzle for me. It needed to tell Elliott’s story, as well as the story of every family we come to serve.
Throughout Elliott’s treatment, our faith in God’s goodness was something we clung to. It began the night of diagnosis, sitting in the hospital bed, with cords, and IVs attached all over her tiny body, my three-year-old sang praises to God as loud as she could. “Go tell it on the Mountain” was her favorite song. She lifted her tiny hands and praised God. It was such an eye-opening moment to me, one I won’t ever forget. If, in the midst of all this, she can look up and still praise him – so can I.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
In the battle against Childhood Cancer, I truly do not know how anyone can do it without faith. Even the tiniest bit. It takes faith to make it through, no matter what the outcome may be, the journey changes you, it changes your family and you need all the faith and hope you can get. Mustard Seed Mountain Ministries, we are a nonprofit that understands that deeper than anyone. We’ve walked it. Our board is filled with family members of childhood cancer warriors. We want to share in those moments of victory, pray over you in those moments of darkness, and capture memories that will tell YOUR story for a lifetime.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Honestly, just finding families in need. I know they’re out there, but there isn’t a database to search for families. We have so many photographers waiting to be matched and ready to photograph a Warrior Family but we just haven’t found a family in that area – yet! Trusting with growth, we will soon have people reaching out to us!
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Aside from being a full-time SAHM of now 4, and running a nonprofit, I am a photographer by trade. It’s a passion, a creative outlet, and most recently, a way I can share God’s love with families fighting their hardest battle.
Any big plans?
We have so many BIG dreams for growth. We have been established not even 2 years ago, and we’ve already blessed over 20 families in states all across the U.S. We work with photographers in 39 out of the 50 states, with each of those states having multiple photographers.
Our hope is to not just provide photo sessions, but we are working towards releasing our own “Prayers to Praises” gratitude journal, hosting a conference for Pediatric Cancer Families, along with our two annual events; Benefit Fundraiser & September Awareness Family Photo Shoot!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://mustardseedmountai.wixsite.com/mustardseedmountainm
- Instagram: www.Instagram.com/mustardseedmountainministries
- Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/MustardSeedMountainMinistries/
Image Credits
JaNett Hill Photography
Jessie Conaty Photography
Cristina Pruitt Photography
Twisted Roots Images
Taylor Kuttner Photography
Samii Jo Photography
Nellie Jane Photography