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Daily Inspiration: Meet Shelby Love

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shelby Love.

Shelby, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
For 8 years I was a manager in high producing retail stores. I was promoted multiple times and relocated by the company a few times as well. However, I worked crazy hours and was told I was capped out in salary potential. I decided after having my son I needed a career that would give me more work-life balance so I transitioned into Dental. I worked extremely hard for both practices in both Maryland and Texas. After less than a year at the texas practice, I was told I wasn’t the right fit and was let go with full unemployment paid out but never given a clear explanation as to what it was I had done wrong. This was very hard for me. I had always received promotions and awards and never been fired. I was also going through a stressful divorce and left to raise my son on my own. My self esteem was at a low and I just felt defeated in life. I was in the process of earning my first Bachelors and was taking a ton of business entrepreneurship classes. My professor advocated being your own boss and he specifically said to pick a business that others don’t want to do. A light bulb hit me! I have always had a passion for fitness and nutrition and always stress the importance of both being balanced in ones life, so I decided to open a Meal Prep business. And that is how Fueled By Love was created. I also decided to personal train on the side and created Fueled By Love Fitness. I make my own schedule. I report to no one. If I am not happy, I change it. What was meant to break me actually changed my life for the better. Being told I wasn’t the right fit seemed like an insult and now 3 years later it was the best compliment I could have received. I wasn’t the right fit for those companies because I was designed and perfectly created to make a career that fits to me.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Like all start ups it is never smooth. There are highs and lows and ups and downs. Business could be great one quarter and slower other quarters. The pandemic through us all for a loop and definitely tested ones faith. However, I’ve learned promotion is helpful but organic promotion is what keeps long time customers and clients. I work on being a walking example of what my customers are looking for. I am transparent, I work with people to help them achieve their body and health goals. I teach them the importance of nutrition that’s designed for their specific body while keeping in mind it’s all about moderation not deprivation.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I have a meal prep company called Fueled By Love. I specialize in creating meals based on a persons personal customized macronutrients. This is done by using a mathematical formula that factors in ones age, gender at birth, height, current weight, goal weight and activity level. Based on that information I calculate how many calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fats they need to consume daily to reach whatever their goal is. This can range from losing weight, to building muscle, to just maintaining. With those numbers I create customized meals that have only those macronutrients in them so that they literally don’t have to do anything but eat. I take care of the grocery shopping, the cooking, the weighing and proportioning and I even have a delivery services that drops the meals off to their home.

Unlike other meal prep companies, I don’t just offer the standard meals with the same protein carbs and fats (though it is an option) because I understand that not everyone needs the same macronutrients. I also understand that when consuming 2-3 of these standard plans, you more often than not, end up over doing your fats and not reaching your daily protein goal. Without reaching your macronutrient goals daily, you won’t be able to reach your physique goals while also fueling your body with the proper nutrients to be at your optimal performance.

Is my way more time consuming, absolutely! But this is why I went into this business. I genuinely want to help my customers reach their body and health goals and I understand that in order to do so I can’t treat everyone the same when it comes to macronutrients because everyone’s macronutrients are not the same! I refuse to treat people like just another dollar and that means investing in them the same way they are investing in me when they decide to try Fueled By Love.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I am always working with personal trainer and coaches. A lot of the time they write diets for their clients and the client is left with a paper full of foods and amounts to follow. This can be extremely overwhelming to someone new to fitness, busy with kids and work, or just not a person who enjoys cooking and prepping. So that’s where Fueled By Love comes in! Many times I have created meals with the diets given to them by their coaches/trainers so that they can reach the goals both their coach and them have in mind. I don’t need to always be the brains behind the operation just the cook and preparer!


  • Individual meals -$8.00-$11.00. Prices vary. Request a quote.
  • Bulk proteins and carbohydrates- Prices vary. Request a quote.
  • Catering for events -Prices vary. Request a quote.

Contact Info:

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