Today we’d like to introduce you to Kennedy Townsend.
Hi Kennedy, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I was born and raised in a small town in Utah where I was always trying to find where I fit in but could never really find my place. I played competitive travel soccer for 15 years but even with that I still felt alone and that I couldn’t find myself. I had teammates but not being part of the Utah culture, really made me an outcast. When I went to college, soccer ended so I needed something competitive to connect with. That’s where I found the weight room.
I started lifting and I fell in love with it. It helped me to continue to be competitive and at the same time become more confident in myself and more comfortable in my own skin. It helped me to stop looking to fit in and be comfortable with standing out.
My passion for it was so much I changed my major from Biology to Sports and Exercise Science/Nutrition Education. I was a nutrition nut from the time I was a wee babe.
I dabbled in the tech world in Silicon Valley for three years. I made a lot of money but was miserable. I wasn’t helping anybody and my mental health was struggling. So I moved to Montana for a summer to reconnect with my wants and my dreams. I decided that I’d move to New York City! I had something to prove. And I did. With $2k in my pocket, no job and not really knowing anybody, I bought the one way ticket.
I was hired on at Equinox BK Heights (shout out BK Heights!), I ended up with a full clientele in four months, had a 1 bedroom apartment and was quite literally living my dream! But this took a lot of work and time, it wasn’t easy. My friends were my coworkers and I had no social life. But hey I was making money and boy did I learn I could I hustle (thanks NY). Then BOOM the pandemic hit. NY was a ghost town so I decided to switch to Austin. A bit more outdoorsy and laid back but still with ambition and drive.
In Oct. of 2021, I decided to go fully Independent and start my own brand The Kennedy Remedy. I wanted to create an environment for successful individuals who were thriving in their work lives but couldn’t figure out the fitness and nutrition aspect of things.
All that lead me here today. I know what it’s like to be successful, and it can be lonely. So, it’s my personal mission to have the people I work with never feel alone on their journey.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Lol, fuck no.
Honestly, when I was growing up, I had other kids who couldn’t be my friends because I wasn’t part of the culture/religion that dominates Utah. On top of that I have a mother who could make friends with a brick wall. Grocery store? Extra 45 min due to making a new friend. I couldn’t get a word in if I tried.
I didn’t develop a lot of the social skills that most people do when growing up.
When I graduated I listened to a lot of the naysayers. ‘I wouldn’t make any money in my field’ “I was too specialized” etc. So I chased money for awhile. I excelled in the tech world, was promoted multiple times and helped to build a startup within FB when they decided to sell hardware. Yet I wasn’t helping anybody and again, was mi.ser.ab.le.
Then I moved to the capital of the world with no money and not a clue what I was doing. I did get a job in the field I wanted but nobody warned me that this field is sales! “Sorry, I have to talk to people and pitch myself to random strangers?” Oh dear lord help me. I had no choice but to go head first. I had rent to pay and needed food.
Yet I’m so glad I did. I had an amazing mentor who helped me to see that what I was doing wasn’t just to get people to swipe their credit cards or hit sales numbers but that I could actually help them. I could use my knowledge and skills to change peoples lives. To make the world a better place one person at a time.
When I went independent it was the scariest thing. I could have no one to blame but me, myself, and I if I failed. I had no one in my life who had owned a business or knew much about business. Here I go again, putting myself in a sink or swim situation.
In the end the biggest obstacles and challenges are myself. I’ve struggled in the past with ‘am I worthy enough of this success?’ ‘am I doing a good enough job for my clients?’ ‘who am I to be a successful entrepreneur?’ But as my business continues to grow and my clients continue to rave about me and support me, its like, hmm maybe I am.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a Health/Fitness and Nutrition coach and am the founder of The Kennedy Remedy which is based upon finding ones radical confidence through strength training, nutrition and self love through coaching and behavior modification.
When these boxes can be checked, there is no telling what an individual can do. Their success continues to increase, their personal lives begin to flourish and they feel so much more balanced and taken care of. They feel better, move better and look better.
When clients come to me, we’ll set goals together, make a plan, and execute. The Kennedy Remedy is results driven and all programs and nutrition direction is fully customized based on your goals and where you’re at, today.
We are unique individuals and our training and nutrition should reflect that. I don’t believe in “8 week challenges” and cookie cutter programs. They’re simply an easy way to make money and unfortunately in my field the market is saturated with people selling quick fixes. I believe in teaching my clients life long sustainable habits and having workouts because we’re bad ass and we damn well deserve them.
With me you’ll learn all things:
– Nutrition
– Weight Training and proper form/technique
– Mobility
– Self-care practices
You’ll always know where you’re at and where you’re going.
I’ve had clients go from 30%+ bf to 22%. From deadlifting 20lbs to 200lbs. Better numbers in their golf game/longer drives and a smoother swing. I’ve also had clients become more brave and ask for promotions (and get them). Start a second, yes a second, business because they began to believe more in themselves!
Imagine hitting your fitness goal that you’ve dreamed of. Later that day when you have a new team meeting to run or a multi million dollar business deal to pitch, it’s going to seem like a breeze. They sky is the limit!
When working with me I take the confusion out of health and nutrition and we make it fun! I want my clients to be able to walk into a gym and no longer feel intimidated but confident. To go to the grocery store and have that same reaction. Our sessions together will also be something you look forward to! There are so many ways to approach the gym floor and strength training and I find what my clients love and we head that direction.
I always tell my new clients, this is your journey. If we’re at the bowling alley you’re holding the ball, you’re throwing it and you’re knocking down the pins. I’m merely the bumpers to ensure you’re staying on the right path. At the end of the day it should be a great experience and if you’re not having fun or something isn’t working for you we communicate and we pivot.
Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
My advice is definitely get one! Look up networking events in meetup or facebook, sign up and just go. That’s actually how I found my current business coach and she’s amaze (shout out Sarah Klein!) I honestly wouldn’t be where I am and as successful as I am without her. I continue to grow in my business but also as a person.
Contact Info:
- Website: thekennedyremedy.com
- Other: https://calendly.com/thekennedyremedy/60min
Image Credits
Top image by: Michael Anthony Ventura