Today we’d like to introduce you to Lindsey Dukes
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I worked a dream job in international travel for 4yrs prior to making a leap (purely from an intuitive nudge) into tech in March 2020, just before COVID started and the world shut down. My timing on leaving the international travel industry could not have been better, so I was grateful for that. However, I found myself working solely for a paycheck and being completely disconnected from any kind of meaning or passion in my work – which had me in a deep funk for the next 8 months.
Fast forward to the end of 2020 when I followed another little intuitive hit to go on a retreat in Sedona with people I’d never met, called the “Remembering Retreat”. There, I met the primary facilitator whom I got to know throughout the week and who was also a well seasoned international traveler herself. She posed the question “what would it look like to take a retreat like this across the world?”. Every cell in my body lit up at the realization that given my extensive experience working in the international travel industry, I knew EXACTLY how to make that happen and couldn’t think of a more exciting project to focus my energy on!
And just like that, The Medicine Connective was born! We merged my background in cultural immersion and adventure based travel with her background in the intentional practices and deep work to create the perfect combination for deep transformation!
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
It has most definitely not always been a smooth ride to get to where we are now. We were lucky enough to have three solid years of growth, but in year four we hit a HUGE wall and lull in registrations that forced us to cancel four trips in a year and cost us a pretty penny. This was devastating to a small business like ourselves! We ended year four in a substantial financial deficit and had to completely pivot our growth strategy.
There were definitely moments in that year where I wanted to burn it all down and just walk away. Luckily, my business partner and best friend, Danielle Bryan, pulled me out each time I found myself in a hole of doubt and kept the mission’s torch aflame!
After fully surrendering to the losses and making the conscious decision to just keep going, the Universe provided us a few new opportunities that we had never considered to create a whole new vertical of business and allow us to continue growing beyond what we’d imagined in year five.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about The Medicine Connective?
The Medicine Connective is a small group transformational travel company. We fuse the power of small group travel, adventure, local culture, movement, breathwork, human connection, intentional workshops and good old fashioned PLAY to help people disconnect from their daily routine and be completely immersed in an experience rooted in love & deep transformation.
We specialize in international travel, but do offer domestic experiences as well! Beyond our own branded Medicine Connective trips, we white label experiences for other brands as well. During our white label experiences, brands are able to connect with their communities in a deeper way without having to do ANY of the heavy lifting of creating a retreat – they just show up, bring their people, travel for free and get paid to do it!
What I am most proud of brand wise, is the community that we have built over the years. The people who come on our trips truly become family – I have met some of my now closest friends on our retreats! I’m also proud of the authenticity that is at the core of our brand, we always show up exactly as we are which gives other permission to do the same. No facades, no shows, no egos, no hierarchy – just real humans doing the deep work and having an epic time!
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
We are already pretty stacked for 2025, but are still open to collaborating with new brands in 2026! If you are a health, fitness, yoga, self-development or wellness oriented brand and are desiring to host a retreat with your community – give us a shout!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://themedicineconnective.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.medicine.connective
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMedicineConnective
Image Credits
Megan Fine @freeflowfotography
Adrian Rago @rago_photography