Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Slocum.
Hi Rachel, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I moved to Austin in early 2018 to have a fresh start after dealing with mental health and substance abuse issues back in my hometown in NY. I originally wasn’t planning on staying for long but when I moved here, I fell in love with the city and the people in it. The recovery community in Austin is the best I’ve ever experienced and I now am blessed enough to help other people who are going through the same things I once through. I gave birth to my youngest son in 2020 right before quarantine and as a result of the boredom that came with lockdown, I downloaded Tiktok which my oldest son was obsessed with at the time. I started out making some cringey dance videos but then started using it as a platform to vent about motherhood and all kinds of other things I had going on in my life and somehow I went viral. Somehow millions of people related to what I was going through and thought I was kind of funny. 😅 Fast forward a few years later, four years of sobriety, almost 150K followers, amazing new friendships and opportunities and HERE WE ARE. ☺️
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It definitely has not always been easy. I lost a very special friend/boyfriend to an overdose at the beginning of my own sobriety which was very difficult but somehow pushed me that much harder to stay on the right path. I became a solo parent pretty much as soon as my youngest was born and we had to deal with a lot of tough things that no one should have to deal with but things are so good today and we are very blessed and grateful.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’d say I’m most known for my Tiktok platform currently where I make comedic content mainly for the girls and the moms but there’s something for everyone on my page! I am most proud of the amount of women who have told me watching my videos has made a difference in their lives or made them feel like they’re not alone. I believe my authenticity and rawness when it comes to me sharing my life with my following sets me apart from others. I wish I could say I was always dolled up and perfect for my content but it’s actually quite the opposite most of the time and people seem to appreciate it, which brings me joy.
How do you think about luck?
I’m a true believer that everything happens exactly how it’s supposed to and you get back whatever you put into the world. As a result of me turning my life around and helping others as much as I can I think it’s had a major impact on the blessings, I’ve been able to receive.
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