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Meet Izá Avalos of Poetic Bruja Botanica

Today we’d like to introduce you to Izá Avalos

Hi Izá, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I always say that this work found me. Becoming an herbalist, a healing arts practitioner, an educator, a writer was never something I imagined would be possible for myself.

I got my Bachelor’s degree in Women and Gender studies thinking that I would go into the nonprofit world as an educator, and I did to some extent. However once I opened the pandoras box of herbalism, there was never anything else that felt right to me.

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my amazing mentors and the people along the way who encouraged me to follow that calling. I began to study Herbalism in a formal sense during my time in the Atabey Herbal Medicine Apprenticeship with Taino herbalist Lara Pacheco. Lara is very hands-on and centers, practical applications of herbalism. Her exquisite way of melting herbalism and community activism together was so inspiring and instantly opened the way for me to see the potential of my own practice. I entered into this apprenticeship, not seeking to become an herbalist, but simply to find the medicine I needed to save myself. This was an incredibly difficult time in my life and the friendships I made with plants and human kin during my time with Lara held me in my wholeness in a way I had never known was possible before. After I entered into this apprenticeship and truly committed to it, It was like a chain reaction. Opportunities were coming to me that I never would have imagined. A great example of this is that Lara later introduced me to my mentor in the healing arts, and dear friend, Jai Medina of Two Spirit Shamanic Healing. Who again is someone I sought out to help me survive in a turbulent time where I felt lost and alone. Yet in doing so I once again found my purpose, and an intentional community to be apart of. If I had never taken that chance on myself and followed that voice in my head that said “This is for you”, I don’t know where I’d be.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
There’s definitely been bumps along the way. This work is not for the faint of heart. It asks you to stay unflinchingly present and is constantly humbling. Everyone has their dark night of the soul to contend with, and I am no exception. Though I must make a point to say that I wouldn’t have made it to the otherside of those dark nights without the support of my family (chosen and blood) and my beloved soon-to-be husband. I’ve struggled with my mental health since I was a teen, and identify as neurodivergent. I am queer, nonbinary, indigenous, a rebel with a cause, and a first generation eldest “daughter”. I love these parts of who I am, but hasn’t always been easy to. Especially in a world that instills shame into anyone who is different from the norm. I put this at the forefront of my work because it’s important to me to see someone like myself in these spaces. I want other folks who resonate with my work to see me out here in my fullness and know that they don’t have to hide or dim their light to be palletable. Expressing myself can make others uncomfortable, but I now know that’s their problem not mine.

I also wouldn’t trade in any of my struggles for anything. Those experiences have taught me valuable lessons and helped me to be a better healer.

For example if I didn’t have a harmful experience within the medical industrial complex I may have never sought out herbs to help me heal in the first place.

I’m here to say this is my one life and I will live it on my own terms. You never know what curveballs are coming your way, things can change real quick. Nevertheless, I try not to let the fear of the unknown keep me from living. I love what I do, that much I know. I will never stop following this passion. I will always continue to push things forward, which starts with getting right with myself. I am a deeply flawed human being, just like all humans are. I am no different or more special than anyone else. I too am a person trying to heal from trauma and live out my purpose.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Poetic Bruja Botanica?
My practice is a living breathing thing; as such it is always changing with the seasons. Each offering is a collaboration with the land, Spirit, myself, and the people I’m serving. As of today, Poetic Bruja Botanica is a beautiful weaving of education, herbalism, and healing arts. As an herbalist I offer an apothecary (online/pop-ups) where I handcraft everything from teas to tinctures to organic skin care and more specialty items.

As an educator I specialize in hands on experiential learning that is based in play and practicality. My classes are intended for all ages and skill levels. I love to teach, having over a decade of experience as an educator, it lights me up to see people connecting with ancestral wisdom. Class themes range from medicine making to plant meditations to tools and techniques for energetic peace. I’ve brought my nature based education to schools, apothecaries, metaphysical shops, events, retreats, etc. I’ve helped different community organizations establish on site working apothecaries for their community members to use freely. Collaboration is so vital to me as there are endless ways to share my knowledge and skill. One way that I also do that is through my writing, found on my website.

As a healing arts practitioner I offer Oracle Card and Astrology Reading services, as well as limpias! A limpia is a type of spiritual cleansing Indigenous to cultural groups from what is now called “Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean”. For folks who are not familiar, you can akin a limpia to the popular healing modality of reiki. Reiki is a different healing tradition that has the same goal as a limpia. A limpia is meant to bring your mind, body, and spirit back into balance. This is done through traditional shamanic technique and Earth-based tools. A limpia with me can look like brushing fresh herbs over the body, smoke/copal offerings, solar charged flower water, and sound healing. All of which is imbued with sacred light source energy, guided by our wise Earth kin, the cosmos, and Spirit. Using my honed “sight” I am able to identify places in the body which are calling out for energetic help. Clearing blockages, relaying messages, and if needed, returning fragmented parts of yourself back home. Practitioners, such as myself, of this healing modality believe that a sound body and mind is rooted in right relationship with Earth, spirit, and self.

Which brings me to the core of the practice. First and foremost is always my invitation for folks who are called to “heal in right relation with the Earth as we come home to ancient medicine ways.” Why is it so important to be in right relationship with the Earth (and each other)? Well this is an Indigenous way of living passed down to me from my mentor Jai Medina. We know the medicine we need is present in us long before we imbibe a tonic or sit with a healer. I often view myself as a bridge, here to connect people with the medicine they need to unlock within themselves. It is my intention to offer everyone I cross paths with a moment to slow down, and forge their own deep, meaningful connections with their inner self, the Earth, and eventually their other relations too. I am always expanding the ways I can be of service to my community and help us to heal our relationship with the land. I see land being used as a commodity and it hurts my soul. The land is more than a resource, and asks for reciprocity in all relations. I state that our relationship with land must be healed because I know first hand we as humans have been causing harm to the land and each other through things like the agricultural industry. I am a child of an immigrant family. I am proud of that, because before the advent of so-called “borders” my people moved freely about these lands. Many of my family members have worked or still work in the fields picking the fruits and vegetables, for that reason many of them have difficulty building relationships with the land that are not based in labor. Many of us do not have access to peaceful land with which to build right relationship the way our ancestors did. In Indigenous ways of living we know the Earth as a teacher as well as a healer. Chamomile soothes an upset stomach but they have also taught me how to have grace and poise in the face of adversity.

Each aspect of my practice is a medicine that has helped me to find myself, my people, and find meaning in this world. I suppose I am called to offer this work to others for that reason. I hope to bring a salve to the wounds see in the world.

I’m currently working with Silver Moon Curios here in Georgetown on some special projects, so stay tuned for more announcements on that! Until then you can find me at Silver Moon Curios every Thursday offering my Healing Arts Services to guide, uplift, and support you. You can also book with me virtually on my website!

Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
Honestly I love reading the works of my friends and fellow writers. I think my favorite book at the moment is actually one my friend Leslie is working on. As a creative, it’s really helpful to surround myself with folks who are also writing, it holds me a bit accountable to continue working on my own projects. In terms of spiritual books, one that I always turn back to is Fear: essential wisdom for enduring the storm By thich naht hanh and all about love by bell hooks. I will also say anything that makes me laugh is good medicine for the world we live in.


  • 1 card reading or 11 minute astrology reading: $20
  • 3 card reading or 22 minute astrology reading: $40
  • 10 card reading or 44 minute astrology reading: $60
  • 1 hr Limpia: $120

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Image Credits
1st photo: Karmic Snapshot

All others: izá avalos

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