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Meet Peter Epstein of Austin

Today we’d like to introduce you to Peter Epstein

Hi Peter, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
If we are looking at the whole picture and story, I started when I first picked up a VHC Camcorder when I was 5 or 6 years old. I have VHS video of my “vlogging” at 10 years old, talking to the camera about who was coming to our 10th birthday party and what we were going to do. I didn’t realize I had such a passion for it until I was about 22 years old, my friend Ty (Owner of UGK Kennels based in Austin,TX) started a local clothing brand called D.I.ME (Don’t Impersonate Me) and put a camera in my hands and let me learn, make plenty of mistakes, but helped paved the road that I’m on today. It’s been 11 years since I first started “shooting”. I got my first “professional” job doing photography at Onnit in 2018. I was recently let go at the end of 2024 after a 6 1/2 years with the company due to the company shrinking it’s internal creative team. I’m so grateful to have been able to learn, grow, and continue to improve my craft that is my passion for creating stories through photography or videography.

Which leads me to my new adventure in life, it’s very uncertain but also freeing at the same time. I am freelancing fulltime but also looking for new opportunities and gigs for the upcoming future.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road has never been smooth, there are lots of ups and downs just like anything. I’ve almost given up a few times and had thoughts of “maybe this isn’t for me anymore”. Thankfully I never went through with selling of gear in order to pursue another career or avenue in life. I’ve given this thing my all and everything. It’s the only thing I really have that drives me and pushes me forward to do great work and leave everything on the table.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m a photographer/videographer that does not put labels on my profession. I am not a “Portrait Photographer or Wedding Photographer, just a dude with a camera who likes to create. I really do enjoy shooting people though, capturing a feeling portrayed through peoples body language, composition, lighting etc. I think I’d be most known for my music/concert photography/videography and shooting people. Marketing for products is what really pays the bills but my passion is mostly centered around human beings.

I think what I’m most proud of was being published in the NY times for a 2 second clip of Sheck Wes performing “Mo Bamba” at a concert for SXSW 18′. They used my clip in the documentary of how the song was made during covid. Initially when I got an email from one of the producers I didn’t think it was real and didn’t reply for a month or so. They reached back out to me to clarify they are real and they wanted to use my clip in a segment discussing the how viral the song went.

I think the one thing I can say that sets me apart from other is my work ethic. I’ve always had a good work ethic, and when I “lock in” its all hands on deck until its finished. It might not be a good thing that I get “tunnel vision” in that sense but it’s something that drives and propels me forward. I love problem solving with a team in order to execute the direction and vision of the project we are working to complete

We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
I learned that as people, we are made to be social butterfly’s and Covid-19 did everything it could to hinder that process. We were made to congregate, conversate, and create. We were not made to be tucked away in our houses for a year or more. Looking back it almost 5 years ago, it was a really difficult time for our society with politics, riots, disease, and many other things distracting us of what it really means to be apart of community. I learned I crave human connection and collaboration more than anything especially when it comes to creating.

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