Today we’d like to introduce you to Phillip Anderson.
Hi Phillip, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hello, my name is Phillip Anderson. I am a YouTuber based out of Massachusetts. The main focus of my channel is exploring, travel vlogging and paranormal investigations. I started “Exploring with Phill” a year and a half ago. When I started, my channel was primarily focused on an app called Randonautica. This app uses your intentions and quantum computers to generate points on a map for you to explore in real life. Fast forward to now, and my main focus is exploring, traveling VLogs, and the paranormal. Exploring is something I’ve always been interesting in. I suppose it’s the thrill of not knowing what you’ll find that excites me the most about it. There’s nothing like finding something that you didn’t expect.
I’ve had a few strange occurrences in my life that I can’t explain that has led me to look for answers. This is what got me into paranormal investigations. I’ve always been a huge fan of the paranormal as far as tv/movies so it really just made sense to pursue it on my own. My primary paranormal focus is the Bridgewater triangle and the stories within. The Bridgewater Triangle is a well-known Massachusetts paranormal hot spot. I’ve recently started to make some “history meets the paranormal” videos. In one of my most recent ones, I told stories about King Philip’s war, visited historical sites, and conducted paranormal investigations at these locations.
I’ve also started doing more travel vlogs. I enjoy sharing with people an experience they otherwise might not get to see. I’m somewhat newer to travel vlogging but I’m excited to do more and see more. I’ve found that once you start traveling and seeing new places, you don’t want to stop! One of my most recent vlogs was in Austin, Texas. Such an exciting mix of old Austin and new Austin. I’ve only begun to scratch the surface with things to see and do in Austin. Next time I visit, my main filming goal will be to visit all of the dazed and confused filming locations. Dazed and Confused was one of my favorite movies growing up. And to film and visit all of these legendary locations in person would be such an exciting experience for me and my viewers.
My YouTube channel has been an up-and-down journey so far. No matter what happens, I’m excited to see where this takes me.
Alright, let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what challenges have you had to overcome?
It’s 100% been a mixture of both. When you start making content of any kind, you must be ready for a lot of hard work and many ups and downs. There will be moments when you doubt whether people enjoy what you’re making. I’ve found if you use that energy & turn it around in a positive way, you can make your content better. The biggest obstacle for any new content creator is getting your content in front of people who will connect to it. For me personally, the hardest part is probably the time. Managing your time is absolutely crucial for any sort of success no matter what your business is. I find it’s very important to manage my time appropriately, not only to get everything I need to get done, but also to balance that with my home life. It’s important to rise and grind and be productive, but what’s most important is your family and making sure you’re present for them.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I work as a fire extinguisher inspector in New England when I’m not creating content. I’ve had success with it and enjoy the work. My ultimate goal is to explore for a living and Vlog my experiences. Making content is something I love doing. In the past, I’ve done podcasting, acting, and even some backyard wrestling. Entertaining people is something I love doing and hope to continue to do through my vlog. My current goal for my YouTube channel is to grow my channel into a community of people who love exploring, the paranormal, and traveling. I’m hoping to at least double my YouTube channel size by next year. I’m driven to make that happen and excited to see what the future holds.
We’d love to hear about your fond memories from growing up.
When I think of my childhood, there are many incredible things I think about. The toys, the tv shows, the movies, the family memories. As I get older, I find myself getting more nostalgic. Anything that reminds me of my childhood I gravitate towards. Growing up I have many fond memories. Relaxing with my brother and sister after school watching “Are You Afraid of the Dark”, playing sports with my brother (no matter the weather), & family movies nights. Watching “Home Alone”for the first time was a game changer! My favorite childhood memories are of a family vacation to Lincoln, New Hampshire. We stayed in a roadside hotel somewhere near the center of town. We took our old station up Mount Washington. Sadly it didn’t quite make it ALL the way up the mountain. We also went to Clark’s Trading Post to see the bear show, and of course, the Wolf Man. It was a simple vacation, but to us it was perfect!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.canadiandutchboys.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/exploringwithphill
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exploringwithphill
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/exploring_phill
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/@canadiandutchboys