Today we’d like to introduce you to Chupie The Chupacabra.
Hi Chupie, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
During the height of the pandemic, I got my first cat ever and named him Chupie (short for Chupacabra). Chupie was obsessed with food from the day I got him and was willing to do anything to get to it – even after eating a ton. After joking around with friends while hanging out at The Little Darlin’ one night, I came up with his social media handle ‘@chupiedoesntgiveameow’ because Chupie truly does not give a meow. I made him an Instagram and a Tik Tok account and posted on them occasionally. One day he stole a package of buns off my counter and I got it on film and posted it on Tik Tok that night. It blew up and by the time I woke up his video had over a million views. Since then, we have continued making videos, some videos of him stealing food, and some videos of him doing abnormal things that cats don’t regularly do. People really took to this and I started receiving messages from people all over the world telling me how Chupie was a positive thing in their life and that they too wanted to give less meows. This gave me the push to start posting every day and to spend every weekend making videos to spread positivity, make people laugh and help people to take things less seriously and ‘stop giving meows’. Chupie has since had a ton of viral videos, and now people recognize him when we are outliving our best lives in Austin.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Things for the most part have gone pretty smoothly with Chupie’s fame but we have had some struggles. Since he is a Lykoi cat and his breed is rare some people online think that he has major health issues. Another problem is that his food obsession and aggression has caused a ton of people online to accuse me of starving him for videos which is not true. I work at a cat specialty hospital and he has had every test just to make sure he is healthy and it turns out he is a perfectly healthy little gremlin. One of the challenges we experienced was that posting videos of training methods can be highly controversial but by making that post and receiving backlash, it helped me learn that there are plenty of ways to train your cat with positive reinforcement.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Chupie is an influencer and meowtivational speaker who is known for not giving a meow. We make funny videos to make people laugh, spread positivity and to help people to not give a meow and live happier lives.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
In the next 5-10 years, I plan to start a non profit organization where we will raise money to help other cats to get the medical care they need when parents have financial constraints. We also plan to continue to spread positivity, make more funny videos, travel, and go to cat festivals where his fans can meet him.
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Instagram: @chupiedoesntgiveameow
- Other: Tik Tok : @chupiedoesntgiveameow
Martha Tobias
May 12, 2022 at 9:14 pm
I am such a fan and admire the care and share of Chupie!!
Thank you for this touching interview!
June 15, 2022 at 10:14 am
Beautiful cat. I love this breed. I have two Sphynx. Great photos too!🥰