Today we’d like to introduce you to Elle Blooms
Hi Elle, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I worked traditional jobs in fashion, wholesale, copywriting, and marketing for decades. Mass layoffs plagued my career for years, and I was tired of the precarious nature of working for other people. I knew there was more to life than working and paying bills.
So I took what I learned from my therapist, spiritual coach, and writing background, combined that with what I learned as a Dominatrix, and I became a Linguistic Advocacy Coach.
I help women, femmes, and mystics say no with confidence, set & enforce boundaries, and say yes to what they really want. My 7-week online course helps my clients create the reality they want while getting in touch with their higher selves.
It’s part spiritual work and part high vibrational language work. The discipline, advocacy, and boundary work I learned as a Dominatrix are vital parts of the work I do. I teach my clients how to tap into their inner power (their voice) and how to speak to the Universe so they can have the life they deserve.
Through my spiritual journey, I learned that everything has energy, including our thoughts and words. When we shift those and are consistent, we can create the reality we want. This isn’t just magical thinking; there’s actually quite a bit of data (thanks to quantum physics and science) to back this up.
Right now, my entrepreneurial path as a Linguistic Advocacy Coach is my soul’s purpose, and I’m so happy and grateful I’m able to carve this path for myself.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I’ve been laid off about a dozen times in the last ten years or so. Each time that happened, I tried to make ends meet as a freelance copywriter and LLC owner, and sometimes, I waited tables to fill in the financial gaps. I’ve had a lot of careers in a lot of different industries.
One day I realized, wow, I am skilled the f*ck up. My communication skills are well above average. How am I not getting hired? I’m tenured as a copywriter; why do I keep getting laid off? It wasn’t until I started working with a spiritual coach, her actual title is Quantum Embodiment Coach, that I learned my energy is involved with every outcome. I can say the right thing, do the right thing, and have a killer resume and portfolio, but if my energy is trash, my reality mirrors it.
I was doing everything I was told would bring me success: go to college, work hard, and you’ll be successful. Stay in your role longer than others, and you’ll avoid a layoff. But that narrative never proved accurate for me.
So, I started studying energy work as if my life depended on it. Because it did. I’m estranged from my family, my community was shattered during the pandemic, and layoffs dissolved my savings, so my energy became my new currency, and I protect and balance it fiercely.
I built my coaching business on 0% interest credit cards, some part-time copywriting work, tarot readings, and good energy. I’ve also learned that the more I maintain a high vibrational frequency (good energy), the less I have to work for money. In the words of Toni Jones, “I don’t have to burn out for that coin.”
Money just finds me now. By that, I mean my timing is excellent. I get invited to networking events and art parties and pick up a new client or collaborator while I’m there. Then, they introduce me to someone who wants to hire me for something else. And it just keeps building.
Right now, I’m on a streak where I’m getting paid every week for 6-7 weeks in a row. I haven’t worked full-time in well over a year, and I live alone in one of the most expensive zip codes in Austin, TX.
That’s what happens when you have consistent, good energy. You become a magnet for the things you want. Love and money (abundance) have a similar vibrational frequency. This means that the more you love yourself (it’s got to be unconditional), the more money flows to you. It might sound wild, I had a hard time believing it at first, but I kept at it until I had evidence to prove it.
One of the hardest lessons I learned is that my self-limiting beliefs and negative beliefs about money, which I learned from my family, were actually repelling money away from me. I had to change my thoughts and then my belief system about money. I had to detach my worth from a job title, paycheck, and employment status and love myself unconditionally (that meant a lot of forgiving myself for not knowing certain things) before money started flowing to me again on a consistent basis.
The word for this is alchemy.
As a coach, I took the life lessons I learned, and I packaged them up in a cute and fun learning environment called, How to say no like a bad b*tch. We say no to what no longer serves us, and that includes people, thoughts, words, beliefs, and most importantly, bullshit.
Now, at age 40, my health is better than it has ever been. When I worked on my thoughts, words, and energy, all my health issues went away. Those included insomnia, IBS, depression, anxiety, extreme bloating, brain fog, and more. All gone!
I feel great most of the time, and that’s fairly new to me.
When challenges arise I don’t even sweat it. There is something there for me to learn. Contrast creates expansion. I have a big tool box of skills and I’m resilient. I finally understand why some people are just seemingly happy for no reason. Nothing scares me anymore, either, and that’s a really powerful place to be.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Elle Blooms Coaching? What should we know?
I teach women how to get back in touch with their power. And that starts with one word: NO.
As a Dominatrix and someone who worked with an excellent therapist for a long time, I learned how to say no to bullshit and set and enforce boundaries a long time ago. I’ve been doing it for so long I forgot what it was like to not have that skill set.
Being a Dominatrix has a lot in common with being a coach.
Example: Consent is everything, and you have to want to show up. In BDSM and in coaching, whatever is holding you back in real life will show up when you are in session. If you are insecure in a BDSM session, I’m going to see it in your breathing patterns, facial expressions, body language, and the tone of your voice. The same is true in my coaching business.
You have to break down those barriers, or at least acknowledge them first, before you can move forward. You have to be willing to get curious about your pain, feel it, name it, and be able to do that in front of another person if you want to be successful in the areas I play in.
What do you do, what do you specialize in / what are you known for?
My 7-week online coaching program is called, How to say no like a bad b*tch.
What sets you apart from others?
I mix in what I learned through BDSM, therapy, writing, and spiritual work to create my courses.
I’m a psychic medium, so the answers I need come to me easily.
Our throat is a sacred portal. That’s why so many people want us to be quiet and shut up. Our words are powerful. I like to tap into that and remind women, femmes, and mystics that their power lives inside of them, and nobody can take that away from them.
I focus on high-vibrational language. I teach people how to use words that are a vibrational match to the things they want.
Example: The Universe does not understand, no/don’t. You get what you think and speak about. The subject you think about and speak on creates the context of your reality.
So if you say, “I don’t want to get laid off. I’m so scared I will get laid off again. I hope that does not happen.” You are actually thinking about getting laid off. Your thoughts become things. You think things before you say and do them. The fear I had around layoffs is exactly the energy that made me a magnet for mass layoffs. (I screamed and cried when I learned that.)
So, if you want to keep your job, you focus on the solution, not the problem. You would say something like this instead, “I’m so happy and grateful to have a job that provides me with financial stability.”
If you are freaking out about how powerful your thoughts are, just say something like this, “Everything is always working out for me.”
I also study human behavior. I love psychology and sociology. This love made therapy fun. I also got to exercise these skills as a server (back when I was waiting at the tables). Combine that with being a psychic medium, and I can read most people fairly quickly. In a BDSM session, this can make some subs feel extra vulnerable. But to me, it’s just more data to work with so I can create a more successful outcome.
I enjoy it when people see my power, and they react exactly as I knew they would. My power is showing. Their beliefs are showing. Playing with power dynamics is my favorite thing about BDSM.
This also helps me in coaching as well because I can hold space for my clients in a more dynamic way. I can see a bigger picture with the gifts I’ve refined.
What are you most proud brand wise?
My Instagram handle is @the_no_maam because I teach women, femmes, and mystics how to say no.
But also, because when I decided to leave a relationship with someone that I lived with, I just said no. “I don’t want this anymore.” Then I moved out the same day. When I said no, I had a new life in 24 hours.
A lot of people are scared of the word no, or they get offended when it’s tossed in their direction. People often laugh when I tell them no straight up. Laughter changes the chemistry in your body. It also changes the energy in the room. Laughter is a form of alchemy.
So when people laugh when I speak directly or say no, or put them in their place, it’s very obvious to me they are uncomfortable. That also tells me they are not used to being uncomfortable. I learned this as a Dominatrix.
So, branding myself as the No Ma’am felt humorous but also natural. I speak directly most of the time. Some people think this is rude. I do it because it saves time and lessens the possibility that something might be misunderstood. To me, speaking directly is respectful and helpful.
People have been telling me they are intimated by me my whole life. So I was delighted to bring this to my branding, it also meant being a Domme was something I was already naturally doing.
When someone tells me they are “intimidated” by me, what they actually mean is that they feel uncomfortable around powerful people, and they think I should not possess such power. They don’t know what to do with it. Their limiting beliefs are showing. I’m not intimidating, they are just intimidated by my power.
What do you want our readers to know about your brand, offerings, services, etc?
Right now, I have 2 tiers.
Tier 1: I do new cohorts about once a month. This is referring to my 7-week group online coaching program, How to say no like a bad b*tch.
About each month, I host a masterclass on the new moon, and then the group that signs up to work with me through that masterclass enrolls in the 7-week course that usually begins a week after the masterclass. I call these groups cohorts.
My next masterclass is on January 29th. The next cohort starts February 5th. People can register for my masterclass here,
Tier 2: I take 1:1 (one-on-one) clients, but that is exclusive and on a case-by-case basis. Meaning I only take on one or two 1:1 clients each month. Before we agree to work together, we have a two way interview to see if we are a good match for each other.
Tier 3: In the works. At some point, I will have an on-demand version of my 7-week course so people can learn on their own.
What matters most to you? Why?
Having unconditional love for myself is probably the most important thing to me. I didn’t have that growing up, so being able to do that for myself is a really big deal. I learned how to do something my parents never did.
That’s not a diss at them; they did the best they could with the awareness and skills they had at that time. Plus, it’s actually okay for parents to want their kids to have more than they did. So in a way, that’s a happy story.
Contrast creates expansion. The home I grew up in is in direct contrast to who I am. So in a way, my parents gave me the greatest gift. They gave me contrast, and I transmuted that into unconditional love and a soulful career.
I alchemized the energy and emotions those estranged relationships created. Loving yourself unconditionally is not for the faint of heart. It’s work. It’s a choice. It’s a lifestyle. It’s a daily to do, and it’s worth it.
There are certain things that I just won’t do, say, think anymore. When you have higher standards for yourself, it’s reflected in everything you choose to do.
- $ 1,296 (special price for 7-week online group coaching course. They must purchase within 48 hours of taking my masterclass)
- $ 2,996 (after the 48 hour promotional window ends, this is the price)
- One on One coaching – $3,000 for 7-week online (1:1) coaching program
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